Bearded Dragon Health: How To Remedy Impaction

One of the most common problems with bearded dragon health is the risk of impaction. Impaction occurs when your lizard is unable to fully digest its food, causing a blockage of the intestines. This is usually caused by poor living conditions and improper diet. Before going to the vet, there are some home remedies that have proven to be very effective in minor cases.

Although poor husbandry is the leading cause of impaction among beardies, this problem can arise in even the most ideal of environments. For example, if you have rescued a lizard that had a serious digestive problem in the past, its intestines are more likely to be affected later on, regardless of the current conditions in which it lives.

“But how do I know if my lizard is affected?”

The first thing you’ll notice in an impacted dragon is a lack of bowel movements. If you spend time with your pet every day, you’ll notice when things get “bumpy.” Younger barbets must defecate almost daily due to the large number of insects they eat. Adults, on the other hand, can only go once every 7-10 days. Again, this depends on your specific dragon and what is “regular” for them. If your adult makes it to around 2 weeks without movement, then you may have a problem.

Another good sign of impaction is feeling your pet’s stomach. Feel for any abnormal lumps or hard spots. Again, if you handle your pet on a regular basis, it will be easier for you to determine what his stomach should feel like when it is healthy. You should also consider the amount of food that you are eating. A misting dragon won’t eat much, so it won’t require it to defecate as often.

A more severe case would actually make it difficult for your pet to move. Hind leg paralysis is a common symptom of an impacted dragon. If you notice that your Barbudo’s hind legs are not moving or not working, take them directly to the vet.

“I think my bearded dragon is shocked. What should I do?”

This is the process I have used to help expel several affected lizards over the years:

  1. Stop feeding them bugs.
  2. Give the lizard a few drops of vegetable or olive oil through an eye dropper. If you can’t get them to swallow the oil on its own, try mixing it with unsweetened applesauce.
  3. Run a warm bath and let them soak for about 30 minutes.
  4. While soaking, gently rub the stomach from the snout to the vent repeatedly.
  5. Remove them from the bathroom and place them under sunlight.
  6. Repeat several times a day until the impaction passes.

This method has worked very well for me in the past. However, if your beard still hasn’t passed the impaction within a couple of days of this treatment, take it to a vet as soon as possible. What this procedure does is help hydrate your pet while loosening the impaction through abdominal massage and oil. You may also want to stay away from solid vegetables during this time. Offer baby food instead of regular salad and make sure they are drinking plenty of fluids. Pedialyte and Gatorade work great for this purpose.

Bearded dragon health is a fairly easy thing to monitor if you know what to look for. But even the most experienced goalkeepers run into occasional problems from time to time. That’s when having a few tricks up your sleeve will come in handy. These tips will not only prevent another vet bill, but will also keep your pet healthy and happy by allowing you to take action right away. The best thing you can do is spend time with your pet every day, this way you will immediately notice when something is not right with your lizard.

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