An open letter to family, friends, compatriots and fellow citizens of the world

This comes at a time that is of enormous importance to everyone in the world, and I want to express some of my thoughts as we go forward.

We have fought and continue to fight this Covid 19 crisis. Our efforts have saved millions of lives. More directly, we have saved millions of homes from losing their Mothers, Fathers and children. We have reduced billions of dollars that we would have had to spend on medical necessities, which we can now use to help combat the economic challenges facing so many millions of families.

We must take a precautionary stance in the face of this crisis. This current economic environment is not something that is simply going to go away. We should be realistic, many experts expect this to continue until the end of next year.

The world is experiencing one of the worst economic challenges of our time. Many countries depend on tourism and exports around the world. We are all in the same boat and our economies can only begin to return to some kind of normal when the rest of the world begins to return to some kind of new normal.

We must continue to put in our best and brightest work to do everything we can to help us all survive in these times. We should encourage the best in every sector and every level of society to share their skills and talents. And please work together to help us not only get through this Covid 19 crisis, but also plan and move our future towards a ‘new normal’ way of life.

Living in a democratic society means that we all work with certain compromises. The economy is potentially a huge threat to our lives, as is the current threat to health. A country cannot quickly turn around the economy as long as the global pandemic exists.

We must continue to provide short-term help to those who need it. It must be done in such a way that it is sustainable for all countries, as it is unknown how long this pandemic will last. Yes, it is impossible to continue providing relief indefinitely, so we must establish a strong recovery program that is sustainable for our current situation, and our quality of life will return once again, as our global situation stabilizes.

We should consider incentives to help people stay employed and for businesses to use this time to reboot and become competitive and efficient.

We must have a plan for our young people to have jobs. There are new graduates entering the job market. They must have Opportunities too.

All governments must operate with transparency and integrity.

When Covid 19 subsides, our world should be positioned to rapidly prosper again, create job opportunities, and be in better shape than before we entered this pandemic.

The Divide and Conquer Policy has no place in today’s world. There are those who say, “I won’t listen to you because you have different beliefs”, or “I won’t meet you because you believe in certain ideas”, they are trapped in the politics of the past. It is this culture of thought that belongs to the past.

What is important today is social justice, equality before the law, equal opportunities and more options to be the best we can be, regardless of our last name, race, financial status or our age.

Our new world must coordinate to work together as a diverse team. We should redefine our politics and break the mold of outdated politics of division, them against us. Let’s get on the road to greatness, a different road than the one that says, “I won’t listen to you because you don’t agree with me,” or “I won’t let him speak because I don’t agree with him or I don’t like him.” “

I am writing to all to consider saying ‘no’ to the politics of division and hate and to the politics that spreads one ‘belief over another, or old versus young, or ‘poor versus rich’ or any other distinction that may be injected into our society.

The future belongs to all of us, so our future is in the hands of all of us. Let us all contribute to lead the way

We have a great priority ahead of us, and that is above philosophy and politics,

Thank you,

Stay healthy/Stay safe

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