This Dutch oven doesn’t leach toxins into your food.

Who likes cooking food that leaves a metallic aftertaste? I don’t. I choose my ingredients carefully and spend my hard-earned money sourcing the right types of food to provide a balanced diet for my family. I certainly wouldn’t want to taste metal in my food. neither should you!

When choosing a frequently used cookware like a Dutch oven, a safe and non-toxic option should be chosen so that food does not taste like metal after cooking.

How do these metals get into food?

Most conventional Dutch ovens use metals or ceramics as raw materials, which are quite convenient to make and sell, but not suitable for cooking. All metals are reactive, it is their innate property. At cooking temperatures, metals react with nutrients in food (a biochemical entity) and form toxic compounds. This not only reduces the nutritional value of food but also contaminates it.

Ceramics and glazes are full of chemicals that contain metal oxides – they leach out metals just like metal cookware.

How does this toxic food affect you?

When you eat this toxic food regularly, metals begin to accumulate in the body’s tissues, organs, and blood to form the basis for a weak immune system and disease. Have you ever heard of someone getting sick while living a healthy lifestyle and eating healthy home cooked food? – These toxins contribute to it. However, the body can cleanse these toxins on its own, but it fails when metal intake is regular.

While shopping for a Dutch oven, choose the one that doesn’t leach.

What dutch oven doesn’t leak metals?

Pure clay is a natural material that is inert in its natural form. When used to make cookware without chemicals or glazes, it doesn’t leach like metals and keeps the nutrients in your food intact. Pure clay is tested and certified to be free of lead, cadmium, and metals, and you can test its purity by doing a simple test at home with a little baking soda and water.

What happens when you switch to the pure clay dutch oven?

First of all, the body begins to cleanse previously accumulated toxins, and the tissues and organs begin to heal. The immune system also gets stronger over time and prevents common diseases and infections. As a result, you start to get healthier with increased stamina and better metabolism. This happens within a few months of using these healthy cookware and it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Some have claimed that they even cure diabetes through regular use of pure clay cookware.

In addition to so many health benefits, food cooks evenly and turns out delicious in a pure clay Dutch oven. If this isn’t enough to make you switch to this safer and healthier alternative, I don’t know what is.

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