The Base Chakra – The Benefits of Root Chakra Meditation and Healing

The base chakra plays a vital role in maintaining physical and mental health. In this article we will see the characteristics of this chakra, as well as what to do if it becomes unbalanced.

What is the base chakra?

This chakra is the first of the seven main chakras (or energy vortices) that play a key role in the energetic functioning of the body. It is located at the base of the spine in the perineal area, and is also known as the root chakra, or by its Sanskrit name ‘Muladhara’.

Root Chakra Characteristics

This first chakra is strongly linked to physical survival and maintaining a sense of stability and security. It is associated with the color red and is symbolized by a lotus flower with four petals. In a balanced state, this chakra promotes a sense of grounding, as well as a strong sense of individuality. It is also linked to issues related to security, such as financial prosperity.

If your healthy balance is disturbed, this can manifest as feelings of insecurity or even fear, a blunted survival instinct, as well as anger, and physical problems such as back pain, knee problems, and problems with the lower digestive system.

Rebalancing and Healing of the First Chakra

In addition to causing specific problems of its own, an unbalanced base chakra can also have a knock-on effect throughout the body’s energy system, leading to further negative effects. Therefore, it is important to correct chakra imbalances as they arise, and also to take steps to ensure that a system that is in balance remains so.

Crystals can be helpful in maintaining and achieving chakra balance, and in the case of the root chakra, red colored stones such as garnet, rhodochrosite, red jasper, and rubies can be helpful, as can gemstones. gray or black color like hematite. and black opal.

Meditation is also very beneficial for attuning to the root chakra, especially if you use a brainwave entrainment meditation recording that contains sounds of the right frequencies to help bring this chakra back into alignment.

In case you’re not already familiar with it, brainwave entrainment recordings feature rapidly repeating sounds of specific frequencies. They can be used to enter a variety of mental states with relative ease, and in the case of chakra healing, they may contain specific frequencies that are associated with healthy chakra function.

By listening to such a recording every day, or as needed, it should be easier to restore and maintain a well-tuned chakra system.

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