How to Setup & Get the Most From the New Google Analytics 4

New Google Analytics 4

If you’re using Google Analytics for your website or app, you’ll want to know how to get the most out of the new version. The new version includes a number of important enhancements to the software, including cross-platform tracking and AI-driven insights. To get started with GA4, you need to set up a new property in Google’s analytics tool. Setting up a GA4 property is simple, and it takes less than 10 minutes.

The first thing you need to do is to create a new data stream. This will allow you to gather data from all versions of your website, including mobile devices. For this, you need to use the new “Data Streams” feature. It works like Properties in UA, but is much more flexible and allows for integration with apps. The Data Streams are the hub for high-level settings changes, including site search, cross-domain tracking, and engaged session adjustments.

Next, you’ll need to set up a matching type for Google Analytics. The CIDR notation is a helpful feature for large companies with multiple IP addresses. This feature helps to avoid the need to manually input IP addresses. Besides that, this will save you a lot of time and back-and-forth with your marketing team. Lastly, you’ll need to make sure your cookie policy allows for cookies and other technologies.

How to Setup & Get the Most From the New Google Analytics 4

To get started, you’ll need to create a new property in Google Analytics. When creating a new property, you’ll be automatically redirected to the new Google Analytics 4 site. Once you’ve set up a new property, you’ll be able to see the data populate and get familiar with the new look and feel. Once you’ve set up your new data stream, you’ll need to choose a reporting metric that is most relevant to your website.

Once you’ve set up your new property, the next step is to connect the existing one to your GA4 account. You can then set up the Universal Analytics property (formerly known as App+Web) in your existing account by simply clicking the corresponding box on the Admin tab. This will add a universal tracking property to your site. Then, you’ll need to set up a custom measurement for your events, which is not covered by the UA.

As with any other Google product, it’s important to know how to set up your GA4 account. You’ll need to make sure you’ve set up the correct settings so that you can analyze data with the most confidence. You can then move on to more advanced features in GA4. This is where the new version of GA4 comes in. The main differences between the older and new versions are the features and the functionality.

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