How to protect women and girls from HIV / AIDS

HIV and AIDS remain a persistent problem faced by almost everyone, especially in the United States. In many countries, women have been the most affected by this disease since the beginning of the global HIV epidemic. Since March 10 is National HIV / AIDS Awareness Day for women and girls, it is the right time for people to learn the basic facts about HIV / AIDS.

Know the disease:

HIV is a human immunodeficiency virus that attacks our immune system and completely destroys T cells, a type of white blood cell. This will turn into AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) due to which the immune system is too weak, making people susceptible to infections and diseases. Is this disease curable? Although there is currently no permanent cure, with early diagnosis and proper treatments such as antiretrovirals, people with HIV can live long and healthy lives. If left untreated, it will lead to death. How is HIV transmitted? This virus is found in semen, blood, vaginal and rectal fluids. It is transmitted through sexual behaviors, exchange of needles and syringes, breastfeeding if the mother is living with HIV, and also blood transfusion. Why are women and girls particularly at risk? Mainly due to the lack of access to health services, gender inequality, cultural, social and economic status, and the violence faced by women and adolescents in society. Poverty is also one of the reasons for the trafficking and sexual exploitation of young women and adolescents who may have less education and are unaware of the risks of HIV.

Ways to protect women and girls:

  • First, learn about HIV / AIDS and share your knowledge with family, friends, and the community;

  • If you are planning to have a baby, it is best to get an HIV test before pregnancy for both you and your partner. This will help you deliver a healthy, HIV-free baby;

  • Always use condoms during sex: the best way to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infections;

  • Before having sex, talk to your partner about the HIV test and do it to avoid risks;

  • Limit your number of sexual partners;

  • Never share equipment like syringes, needles. Always use new, clean needles to inject yourself;

  • If you are a mother affected by HIV, do not breastfeed your baby;

Increase awareness:

It is very important to raise awareness about the impact of HIV / AIDS to prevent and protect women and girls. There are many ways to do this.

  • On this March 10 awareness day, organize an awareness campaign in your community in coordination with health professionals to raise public awareness about HIV / AIDS, its impact, prevention methods, and ways to protect girls and boys. young women to save their lives from this disease. Distributing gifts such as personalized bracelets in your awareness campaign is the best option to raise awareness. People love to wear this fashion accessory not only because of its attractive colors and elegant style, but also because of the reach that they have between people.

  • In many regions, girls are denied education due to poverty and many more reasons. Educating them is the added bonus to increasing their earning capacity and preventing early marriage that can reduce their vulnerability to HIV. Educated women have the necessary knowledge to access health services for themselves and their families.

  • Most women face gender-based violence such as sexual abuse, trafficking, being beaten by their partners, and other forms of abuse throughout their lives. Raising awareness among them can prevent and end this gender violence once and for all.

  • It is important to educate boys and young men to respect women and to get involved in family activities to avoid negative attitudes such as gender-based violence.

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