Chronicles of Madness – Episode 11

In this, our eleventh episode of Madness Chronicles, we will see the craze of illegal immigration that Democrats love so much. Remember, insanity is an especially severe state of mental illness, extremely foolish behavior, and a state of frenzied or chaotic activity. Let’s take a look at a maddening trail of destruction.

In the news from Norristown, Pennsylvania, a 31-year-old Nemias PĂ©rez Severiano, who was driving drunk without a license, struck 69-year-old pedestrian Samuel W. Jackson, dragged him more than 50 feet, and killed him. Did I mention I was here illegally from Mexico? Moving west to Salt Lake City, Utah, a 31-year-old Nigerian named Ayoola Ajayi kidnapped and murdered a 23-year-old University of Utah student. Once in custody, the police brought 19 more charges against the “new” American for things like child pornography and rape. Did I mention I was here illegally? Either way, thanks to a Democrat.

In Philadelphia, Ervin Urrutia-Sagastume, a Guatemalan citizen with a criminal record, was arrested by the Philadelphia Police Department. That is good. Incorrect. You see, Philadelphia is a ‘sanctuary city’. When ICE issued an arrest warrant for Ervin, the Police Department released him. Why did they pick it up in the first place? For committing sexual abuse against children and filming sexual acts against children. You guessed it, he was here illegally. Find another Democrat to thank.

In Spokane, Washington, once a charming community, an Iraqi immigrant named Yasir Darraji, 30, murdered his estranged wife and set her body on fire. He told police that he did not like his Americanized behavior. His friends believe it was an honor killing so widespread in Muslim circles. Good news in Houston when HPD arrested Iraqi immigrant and fugitive Abbas Abdal Kathem Abed at a homeless shelter. They wanted him for the rape and murder of a young woman in Colorado. It appears that Abed was an Uber driver and he picked up the young woman, drove her to a motel, and took care of business. It is so good that these Iraqi refugees are so grateful for all that we did for them.

If that’s not bad enough, in Washington, DC, the Military Times reports an unusual court decision. Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, a district judge for the United States District Court in DC, ruled in favor of five anonymous Afghan and Iraqi nationals seeking to come to the United States. She ordered the government to speed up her immigration. The federal government now has 30 days to submit a plan to adjudicate delayed visa applications that have been pending for more than nine months. That is beyond insanity.

Not to be despised, three “special” refugees from Afghanistan were recently arrested in California for carrying out a massive fencing operation. Muhibullah Nuristani, Mohammad Mustafa and Abdul Janah. Nuristani, a relative of Muhibullah. As NBC reported in Fremont, California, Afghans were welcomed into the United States by the American military. They were interpreters and deserved the opportunity to improve, officials said. In fact, they got better by stealing mobile phones, creating a nondescript showcase, and selling state-of-the-art phones around the world. The American dream.

What is there not to understand about this image? The list of these atrocities could take up a whole book. The United States spent $ 1.8 billion last year welcoming Third World people to ‘come down’. We are bringing in people who are one or two or even three centuries old and we hope they will make the leap to a free society. That in itself is crazy. There is little time to see things as they really are, not as we would like them to be.

May we wake up from this madness before it is too late. I wish you good health and until next time … have fun, enjoy life and watch out for the madness between us.

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