What is Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome?

Post-Tubal Ligation Syndrome, or PTLS for short, is a doctor-induced condition used to describe the side effects after a woman had tubal ligation surgery. One possible cause of the side effects of this syndrome is the decrease in estrogen and the interruption of blood flow through the fallopian tubes, uterus, and ovaries during the procedure.

PTLS has been a controversy for years establishing whether the symptoms women have are real or just in their head. However, women who have or have had PTLS will disagree.

Some symptoms include increased menstrual bleeding, increased cramps, hot flashes or hot flashes, occasional arrhythmia (increased heart rate), mood swings, trouble sleeping at night, tubal pregnancy, migraine headaches, loss of sexual desire , dry or itchy vagina, feeling scared or nervous, breast tenderness, headaches, changes in breath or body odor, osteoporosis, and the list goes on and on.

Since many of these symptoms can represent other medical conditions, it’s important to talk to your doctor about what you’re experiencing. You may be tested for thyroid disease or a problem with a hormone imbalance. Your doctor may also decide to put you back on birth control to help regulate heavy bleeding and painful cramping. But be careful, as some birth control pills can make you feel tired and may cause anemia in your post-tubal ligation state.

Many of these symptoms are not discussed with your doctor before surgery and are not found in the informed consent that you sign for the simple fact that most doctors believe that Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome is nothing more than a myth. (just like doctors used to think PMS was a myth) associated with getting older or going off birth control.

Because PTLS is considered to be an unrecognized side effect of tubal ligation surgery, treatment is scarce. What is known is that if you experience symptoms after having tubal ligation surgery, investigate the side effects. Once you have carefully read about the side effects, you may not decide to have the surgery.

If you have already had tubal ligation surgery, there are still options available to you. You can still use birth control again, or you can decide to have a hysterectomy (if you don’t want any more children). You may also decide to have tubal reversal surgery (if you decide you want children in the future).

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