What is green cleaning?

There is a lot of talk these days about green cleaning and why we should make the switch to green cleaning in our homes. Here we provide an idea of ​​what green cleaning is and how it differs from traditional house cleaning methods.

Green cleaning isn’t just about using non-toxic, chemical-free cleaning products, it should extend to the methods and equipment used. The goal of green cleaning is to be kinder to the environment, kinder to the people who clean, and kinder to homeowners.

The first step is to get rid of any cleaning products that contain toxic chemicals that have been identified as known or suspected carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, or reproductive toxins. Some to watch out for are: butyl ethylene glycol, paradichlorobenzene, silica, bleach, and phosphates. Fortunately, products that don’t include them are increasingly available from manufacturers like Ecover, Nature Clean, and Seventh Generation.

A recommended change in your cleaning method is to avoid using trigger sprayers to spray these products onto the surfaces you are cleaning. Even if you use more natural products, you can reduce the amount of product you use by spraying directly on your cleaning cloth.

Next, you should invest in some new cleaning accessories, like a HEPA-filter vacuum and microfiber dust cloths. These serve to reduce the amount of dust released into the air during cleaning. It is a well known fact that dust contains many of the same environmental toxins that are present in our homes and should not be inhaled as much as possible. A microfiber cloth will trap dust in the cloth instead of moving it from one place to another or releasing it into the air. A microfiber mop will also be more eco-friendly than a traditional mop.

When it comes to cleaning kitchens and bathrooms, this usually requires disinfecting the various surfaces. However, the most dangerous cleaning products are corrosive drain cleaners, oven cleaners, and toilet bowl cleaners. Choose natural disinfectants such as hydrogen peroxide and undiluted white or apple cider vinegar. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University found these to be safe alternatives for getting rid of Salmonella, Shigella, and E. coli bacteria. Dishwashing liquid is one of the least toxic cleaning products and can be used for many cleaning jobs besides washing dishes.

For those owners who prefer to outsource their house cleaning, more and more are demanding that the cleaning service they hire offer an ecological cleaning service. Even window and carpet cleaning companies are being forced to look for eco-friendly alternatives to their traditional cleaning products, methods, and equipment.

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