Trust God to keep his promises in all situations: quite a challenge in these current days

Yes, it may seem like quite a challenge at first glance, but when you emphasize trust, instead of trying, you find that it works beautifully and satisfactorily.

Psalm 91 has to do with peace in the midst of danger and difficulty.

Some ‘peaces’ are so fragile, many people fall for false peace, and false peace leads to anxiety and worse.

The world can be dangerous and full of sadness: the psalmist knew the reality of danger. How can we have peace in such a world?

There are promises in Psalm 91: the psalmist meets the difficulty by laying out the promises, providing the solution.

You can trust God to keep you safe in times of danger.

Verse 2 – The Psalm begins with safety imagery – you have to be in the shade or shade to get out of the sun. There is a provision of security for the people of God: the shadow of God covers us to protect us.

Verse 3 – He will deliver you. God draws us to himself and brings us into his presence. We need this abode, we need to know the way home.

Fears can paralyze us. Pills and counseling aren’t very helpful when it comes to fear.

There is one fear that can free us from all other fears: the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. This fear implies a loving reverence and awe and admiration for our merciful God. We fear losing God’s smile upon us. This fear acts like a medicine that gets to the roots and deals with all other fears. Proverbs 9 verse 10

Verse 4 – Protection, security and shelter – there are many predators.

God is never far away, he is tender and protective.

So we can trust Him, we can trust God. Trust means that we believe that Almighty God is sustaining our lives and that He is constantly working to ensure that His purposes and promises are fulfilled, even through our mistakes, failures, and imperfections.

Verse 5 – pestilence and disease – arrow representing violence – no harm. Does that mean that if bad things happen to us, we are not trusting in God? No!

Fear can take on a different magnitude in the middle of the night.

What would Job have done with Psalm 91? We need balance!

There is an enemy of God who wants us to believe that nothing bad can happen to us, because if it does, we may think that we are not trusting God.

When Satan tempts Jesus, he quotes Psalm 91 in Luke 4.

Jesus knew Psalm 91 well, he also knew how to interpret and handle it.

God comes to reassure us in times of trouble, and there will be times of trouble.

Why is there so much suffering? Why is all this happening?

Who do you think puts that into people’s minds?

All things work TOGETHER for good; we must never miss that word in Romans chapter 8.

Remember Joseph: His early tragedies helped avert a greater tragedy.

Luke 21, verses 16-19 provides balance. Remember also how the early Church went out to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ with such authority and power! The real you will endure. You will be ready to handle these things.

Verses 14 to 16 – God comes and speaks through the psalmist – to comfort and reassure – whenever real dangers arise.

God will be with you, even in times of trouble and challenge.

In verses 14 – 16, there are SEVEN “I WANTS” – what God can and will do for you, as a disciple of Jesus Christ – these verses came to my attention last week while rereading Psalm 91. I will rescue – protect – respond – be with him – deliver and honor – and satisfy.

We are the only faith that has a God who faced trouble, betrayal, suffering, and so much more. Jesus knows how I feel sometimes.

Luke 13 – Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem! How I wanted to bring you under my wings! Jesus wanted to protect these people from pain and disaster.

Be willing to snuggle under its wings – protected, safe and secure.

“Faithful, kind and loving Father, strengthen our faith, establish your firm control over us, so that we can continue to trust you, no matter what situations and circumstances we face. Hear our prayers for those whose faith is being attacked, undermined and challenged Lord God, help us no matter where we are, enable us to endure and overcome, through Jesus Christ.” Amen.

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