The vitamin D12 mystery: what’s the problem?

I wanted to find out for myself what the deal was with vitamin d 12 as i had never heard of it before. At the same time, according to the keyword tool, more than 360,000 people search for it every month. I myself became very curious, so I did a search, I spent about 45 minutes looking through the search results one by one.

I found? There was a person who said in a forum that her doctor prescribed vitamin D 12, but she never heard anything about it. She wondered if it was supposed to be B12, but she misspelled it and wondered if anyone had heard. No one answered the thread.

Other than that, all the other articles were just silly attempts to get people to read them. It said “D 12” in the title, but then the article suddenly started talking about B12 or vitamin D. I couldn’t find any proof of such a vitamin.

I was wondering if this was some kind of typo, but “D” is so far from “B” that even the worst typist wouldn’t accidentally mess it up. My opinion is that it is highly unlikely that they are referring to B12, also known as cobalamin, which is needed in the processes to convert carbohydrates, fats and proteins in food into energy and helps keep red blood cells healthy and, ultimately, therefore, to prevent heart disease. as well as maintain the functioning of the immune system at its maximum level.

My next thought was that it might be vitamin D and someone misspelled the number. According to my research, vitamin D is available in two forms, D2 and D3. Vitamin D2 is made from yeast by UV radiation, and vitamin D3 is made by radiation from lanolin and chemical conversion of cholesterol. The two forms are metabolized differently, with vitamin D3 being more than three times more effective than vitamin D2.

The vitamin D you get from the sun, food, and supplements is biologically inactive and must be activated by the body. First, the liver converts vitamin D into 25-hydroxy-vitamin D, also called calcidiol. The kidney then forms the active 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D, also known as calcitriol. Maybe this is what some people call D12…

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