The secret of Egregores has the power to bring you unlimited success and create the reality you desire.

Call it what you want: consensus reality, collective consciousness, zeitgeist, archetype, or even matrix, and you won’t be far from the powerful truth about a little-known phenomenon called egregore (sometimes written without the final “e”). Whatever label you decide to give this mysterious entity, be aware that it has the ability to affect, influence and create your outer reality and the way you perceive what is “out there”.

Derived from a Greek word meaning “watcher,” a egregore is understood by many influential organizations (and within occult circles) to mean a collective way of thinking which, when constantly energized by groups of people with similar goals and aspirations, takes on a life of its own in the etheric dimension. If the creation of such an entity is intentional, purposeful, and consistent, it can become very powerful and can be invoked by members of a group to help them achieve specific goals and desires.

many kinds of egregors they can be created, either consciously or unconsciously, at all levels of society, from family units to corporations, nations, and even racial groups. The animals have their own. egregors as evidenced by their hive-minded behavior and pack instinct traits which are unfortunately also exhibited by members of many close-knit human organizations, including cult fundamentalist religions and isolationist nations.

knowledge of the egregor it is closely guarded within the confines of secret organizations, for a very powerful reason. These astral entities are capable of assisting humans in manifesting their desired realities, or at the other extreme, they act as reality prisons to benefit the few who control this secret knowledge.

Interestingly, most people who belong to social clubs, culturally homogeneous communities, and work environments instinctively refer to the “group ethic” or “team spirit” of their organizations. Little do they realize that on the non-physical or etheric level, an actual entity exists, embodying their shared goals, objectives and aspirations.

Many egregors begin rather humbly, usually triggered by the innocent and melancholy wishes of people who don’t realize that chance ways of thinking generated are capable of being combined with other similar ways of thinking, over time gaining strength and autonomy. On the other hand, when an individual or group intentionally and knowingly creates such an energy entity to help achieve specific objectives, it is called server it’s created.

These “helper” energy forms possess a degree of intelligence, so they will often strive to become autonomous and independent as they expand into powerful egregors. Therefore, when creating a serverYou should always take steps to keep it under your control for as long as possible.

Yes one egregor is continually energized (and there are many ways to do this), it can become so possessive and all-consuming that its members will often find it difficult to escape its influence, unable to understand why they are addicted to and attached to these groups and organizations. If you are interested in trying to “harness” the power of an existing system egregor to create the desired reality, make sure you are fully aware of what you are getting yourself into.

In fact, like the mythical genie in a bottle, you can tap into the unique reality stream of these etheric entities to manifest desires beyond your wildest dreams, ESPECIALLY if you can find an existing one. egregor created to further goals similar to yours. Most of the notorious secret societies in existence today (I’m sure you can think of a few) have egregors that were created in past generations by their founders to further the goals, careers, power structures, and wealth of their members.

It is no coincidence that organized religions use repeatable ceremonies and rites, while the average church goer is unaware that these rituals were designed to drain their psychic energy to feed and strengthen existing ones. egregors. Miracles and other unusual or inexplicable phenomena are often mere physical manifestations of well-established religious beliefs. egregors.

egregores they should not be taken lightly or ignored. Most of your life circumstances become physical “reality” as a result of the way these consensus-created entities interact with each other on the etheric level.

The already iconic representation of reality matrix in science fiction books and movies can only give a limited, often skewed idea of ​​the true egregore freak. In truth, there are many types and forms of these entities, each vying for astral “space” in their efforts to manifest within the physical plane.

Corporations and countries are well aware of the power of egregors and they continually strive to strengthen these matrices through the use of techniques such as branding and subliminal symbolism. As the general population unquestioningly accepts the influence of these giants egregorsYou unknowingly energize these your own etheric prisons in a sort of endless, often inescapable loop mechanism.

To use an existing egregore to achieve your wishes, choose one (egregore) which is already well established and which was created to further specific goals with which it agrees. Most importantly, be fully aware of what is happening on the invisible (etheric) level when you access a egregore.

Be brave but also be well informed. This hidden phenomenon is how the “powers that be” control the masses, but who says YOU can’t play the same game for your own benefit?

Do a lot of research on this topic (although you will find that most of this information is still deliberately hidden in plain sight). Truly, this knowledge is extremely powerful and with persistence and enough information, you will be greatly rewarded beyond your wildest dreams!

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