The positive and negative aspects of neurolinguistic programming or NLP

There are both positive and negative aspects of Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP. Unfortunately, few people have a full understanding of this term, even though they are subjected to it every day. More importantly, many of the companies, organizations, and individuals who know how to manipulate this concept often do so with unethical intent.

NLP is essentially the study of how verbal communication impacts the human brain. The words you hear are actually responsible for shaping your perceptions, ideas, and even your actions. This is the basic idea behind positive reinforcement. In studies, words of encouragement have been shown to create significant improvements in attitudes and behaviors. Neuro-linguistic programming defines why this works.

Conversely, negative words also impact those who hear them. People who are constantly surrounded by negative people will often fall prey to their negative speech. Words of discouragement will usually cause a person to adopt a defeatist attitude. This makes it more likely that the individual will give up before even trying. Another thing to consider is how your own words may be causing you to remain stuck in certain areas of life. If you are trying to bring about a change in certain patterns or behaviors, you need to be careful how you talk about these things. Your brain will create an act on the very words you speak.

Some of the best NLP practitioners are major marketing and advertising companies. They know that their words can shape public opinion and public action. In order to attract mass market attention to specific goods, many of these entities will cause people to associate consumerism with happiness. So people start to believe that they have to buy products to feel happy.

Once you have a clear understanding of how verbal communication affects your behaviors, it’s important to start being more careful about the words you say and the company you keep. You can also take a more active role as a listener. People who passively listen to verbal messages are much more subject to being influenced by them.

When you know what Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP is and how it can be used, you can become much more powerful in your own decision making. You will have the ability to start using positive words to empower yourself and those around you. Also, you will become more adept at efforts to discourage or convince you to spend money on unnecessary things. This is truly one of those cases where knowledge is power.

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