The fundamental role of sodium and chloride (salt) in the diet!

If you look at the periodic table of the elements, you will see that sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium are alkaline earth metals. You can tell by their positioning how interrelated they are.

For example, sodium is number 11 on the periodic table that indicates the number of protons in its nucleus. While magnesium is number 12 on the periodic table, only 1 more proton or hydrogen ion than sodium. Potassium is number 19 and calcium is number 20. These four elements are next to each other on the Periodic Table of Minerals for good reason!

Over the years, I have thought about the relationships between sodium, magnesium, potassium, and calcium and have hypothesized that magnesium, potassium, and calcium are nuclear transformations of the sodium ion (11). This is important to understand when we consider why our blood is salty with sodium and not magnesium, potassium, or calcium. Even the ocean is salty with sodium for very good reasons.

The formula word for my nuclear transformation hypothesis is as follows:

sodium (11) + hydrogen (1) magnesium (12) or,

sodium (11) + oxygen (8) potassium (19) gold,

sodium (11) + hydrogen (1) + oxygen (8) calcium gold,

sodium (11) + oxygen (8) + hydrogen (1) calcium

As you can see, there are many variations on how the body can transform sodium into the other alkaline elements that it needs to maintain its alkaline design. Note that this transformation of elements is not a chemical reaction but a reaction, I call it vibratory intelligence.

The movement of a hydrogen ion towards the nucleus of a sodium ion is what gives rise to the alkaline element magnesium to help regulate body or even ocean temperature.

The movement of an oxygen ion to the nucleus of a sodium ion is what gives rise to the alkaline element potassium to help regulate the delicate alkaline pH of extra and intracellular fluids in the body.

The movement of a hydrogen ion towards the nucleus of a potassium ion is what gives rise to the alkaline element calcium. It is through the sodium ion in the blood that calcium creates to help keep our skeletal structure healthy and strong. In the ocean, it is the salt or sodium ion that gives rise to the calcium that coral calcium produces, which helps maintain the alkaline design of the ocean at a pH of 8.3.

You see, the nuclear transformation of sodium takes place every second of the day with any vibration or movement, such as that of the athlete in motion, as the body uses sodium and hydrogen to regulate body temperature keeping it cool.

As one exercises and the body warms up, the body will naturally cool down by transforming sodium into magnesium. These transformations will result in a loss of sodium in the blood serum and an increase in magnesium in the urine. Why? Because the body is converting salt or sodium in the blood into magnesium to regulate body temperature! Without salt you CANNOT regulate your body temperature!

This same elemental transformation will take place when the body is trying to maintain its alkaline design at a pH of 7,365. When the body is physically or emotionally stressed, metabolic acid waste products will increase. As metabolic acids are increased by body movement, such as when you exercise, or when you are stressed, as worried about your finances, the body needs additional alkalinity to buffer the increase in endogenous acidity and will begin to convert salt or sodium from blood to potassium.

That is why we see, in sick, tired, depressed or unfit clients a decrease in serum sodium and an increase in serum potassium.

Balancing the alkaline pH of body fluids and returning the body to a state of health, energy, happiness and fitness cannot be achieved without mineral salts and especially the fundamental sodium ion.

Without salt running through our blood vessels and oceans, THERE WOULD BE NO LIFE ON EARTH!

Just one more thing to think about. As you know, most of the sodium comes to us as sodium chloride. This is no accident. When you eat salt or sodium chloride, the body breaks down these two ions. It is a question of chemistry. The sodium ion is used as I have described above, but the chloride ion is used to build our blood. I give you the following formula of words for the nuclear transformation of the chloride ion into iron:

chloride (17) + oxygen (8) + hydrogen from water (1) iron (26)

What I am suggesting is that salt or sodium chloride not only keeps blood and body fluids alkaline, but also creates the iron needed to make hemoglobin or blood. So when someone is iron deficient, they are really deficient in sodium chloride!

Limiting or eliminating salt from your diet is setting the stage for ALL diseases and illnesses.

It is not the salt that causes high blood pressure. It is dietary and metabolic acid.

Salt is the life of the body! And, without generous amounts of raw whole salt, the body cannot keep up with the daily rush of dietary and metabolic acidity.

That is why I suggest eating a lot of alkalizing mineral salt and cutting out acidic foods and drinks. When you do this, your health, energy, happiness, and fitness will improve naturally, without medication!

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