Stuttering in two-year-olds: eating until you stutter

Stuttering in two-year-olds is largely attributed to child development. Stuttering is a common occurrence among children 2 to 5 years of age and should last 5 to 6 months. About 60 percent of children who stutter suffer from a simple lack of fluency and will recover in due course. Those whose stutter persists after a prolonged period should undergo speech therapy to correct this problem.

There are numerous factors that contribute to childhood stuttering. The usual suspects are genes (if a parent stutters, the child is likely to stutter too), gender (boys are more likely to stutter than girls), and stress (a sudden change in a child’s life , such as the birth of a new baby in the family can cause stuttering). Few people are aware that stuttering can also be caused by the food they eat. Just as it can be induced by some medications, stuttering can be triggered by food ingredients. According to studies, chemicals found in some processed foods may be the reason(s) behind the development of childhood stuttering. These chemicals include:


Commonly used as condoms, nitrates play a role in delaying the development of children. Since stuttering in two-year-olds is a manifestation of a developmental disorder, processed foods such as hot dogs, hams, and other cold cuts should be avoided.


Salicylates are found in plant foods and are used in the production of medicines, preservatives, and flavorings. Parents have reported incidents of stuttering in children that worsen after consumption of certain fruits or vegetables and other foods that contain salicylates.


Sulfites are used as preservatives in many processed foods. According to some parents, stuttering in two-year-olds worsened after eating foods containing sulfites, such as hot dogs and bacon. When sulfites were removed from the diet, the stuttering ceased.

Benzoates in medicines

Benzoates in medications such as those used for coughs and asthma have been found to increase stuttering in two-year-olds and other young children. Parents also report that children become slow, withdrawn, and unusually quiet while taking these medications. Normal behavior and speech return after benzoate-containing medications are stopped.

Although many parents report that their children’s stuttering was triggered or aggravated by certain foods or food chemicals such as dairy, wheat, nitrates, and salicylates, current medical literature does not confirm this. The effects of these food components also vary with each individual. Consuming the chemicals listed above can cause stuttering in two-year-olds and worsen a child’s behavior, as confirmed by some parents. Therefore, to avoid this, it is recommended to eliminate food or chemical triggers from food from the child’s diet.

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