Small Bathroom Remodeling Tips

Are you racking your brains over a small bathroom remodel? You are not alone. Many homeowners are faced with the problem of having to change the look of a small bathroom. Here are some tips on how to make the most of small bathroom spaces.

break down a wall

One of the most popular solutions is to simply remove one side. This will allow you to expand in one direction and get more space. However, the problem is that this solution is not cheap. In addition to spending a lot of money to rebuild a new wall, you’ll also need to consider paying for extensive plumbing and wiring changes.

choose small

You have other options if you can’t afford to push back your walls. One of them is simply replacing previously large accessories and features with smaller ones. There are small bathtubs, sinks, toilets and cabinets that can be installed in place of the old ones. However, you need to make sure that the largest member of your family can comfortably use these smaller accessories.

hang some objects

Large wooden storage cabinets can take up a lot of space. Create more space by knocking down these cabinets instead of the walls. You can choose to install free floating cabinets or metal bar shelves. You can also hang small baskets on hooks on the wall. Apart from cabinets, you can also hang some other bathroom accessories. A baseless sink and a vanity with a hanging glass shelf are examples.

Choose the right paint

A small bathroom remodel won’t be complete without a fresh coat of paint. One technique is to avoid dark colors. Choose the lightest ones and combine them with equally light colored tiles and accessories. The light color will not only be relaxing. It can also help create the impression that you actually have more space. If you want to paint some designs, choose ones that are not too big.

use light

Use artificial or natural light to create the impression of expansion. It’s always nice if you can just cut out a large top window. If this puts you in danger of being seen from the outside, you can use bright lighting instead. Install a dimmer so you can create a softer light when your mood calls for it.

Install mirrors strategically

This is an old technique that works well for small bathrooms. Wide mirrors on both walls can make bathroom users feel like there is endless space. However, don’t go overboard with the mirror trick. It can be quite disorienting to look through so many reflective surfaces.

push your accessories

Make sure all your accessories are glued to the walls. This is especially true for the toilet and bathtub. Place these accessories very close to the walls to have more free space in the center. As for your sink, you actually have more options here. You can choose corner basins or corner wall basins.

Remodeling a small bathroom can actually be a lot of fun. The real key is to simply change the viewer’s perspective and use every available space you have.

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