Seven qualities of rock star employees

The turnout figures haven’t changed much in the years that the Gallup Organization has been tracking. In the United States, employee engagement figures are around 30%. In the rest of the world, the picture is even bleaker: only about 13% of workers are hired.

What exactly are the traits of a rock star employee? Here are seven attributes that you will find in most members of that elusive group.

RAccountable: Top performers take ownership of whatever project they are working on and set high standards for their performance. They are only satisfied when your customers praise your company. When they make a mistake, they admit it and learn the lessons so it doesn’t happen again. When they are successful, they ensure that others who helped and supported them along the way are also recognized for their contributions. In other words, they share the credit and bear the blame.

OROptimist: No matter what is happening, they are programmed to look for the good in people, projects, and situations. They are energetic, enthusiastic, and confident in their work and in how their team members work together. They view obstacles as challenges to overcome as they are excited to grow and open to change. They have a positive attitude and can be counted on to light up the room when they are around.

VSreative – Rockstar employees have the ability to analyze all sides of a problem and come up with a host of new and exciting solutions. They are not afraid of failure, as they know that part of success is having to fail from time to time. They have the unique ability to use innovative thinking to develop new methods for analyzing and solving problems.

Kind: Engaged employees have excellent people skills and have an extensive network of people who know, like and trust them. They cultivate their professional relationships and focus more on giving than receiving. They get to know people as individuals and abide by the rule of “do to others as THEY would have done to them.”

Studious: Your best talent wants to be better tomorrow than it is today. Top performers invest in themselves and their skills so they can develop and grow both personally and professionally. They love to learn and look for any opportunity they can to gain knowledge on a variety of subjects. If they are not sure about something, they will do the necessary research to find out the answer.

TEam Players: Gallup shows that actively engaged employees have a strong network. Engaged employees focus on lifting others up as they climb and enjoy sharing the spotlight on their accomplishments because they realize they didn’t do it alone. Although they can take initiative on projects, they have a clear connection between team activities and team purpose. They allow others to enjoy work and travel with them.

INAction Oriented: Average employees make to-do lists. Rock stars set their priorities and get the job done. They do not hesitate based on fear or indecision, they look at the situation and act based on the information they have at the time they receive it. Because “moving objects tend to stay in motion,” rock stars choose to “flop forward” and maintain momentum. Their passion for what they do helps them know when to engage with others and when to stand firm.

RIsk taker: Natural leaders are not afraid to change the status quo. They make the necessary decisions and push the limits of their comfort zone. They take bold actions towards their goals. They feel that if they are not making mistakes, they are not learning. They love to come up with new ideas and new ways of thinking, and their passion inspires others to take their leadership.

Take the time to notice when your ROCK STAR employees are accomplishing great things. Ask them for their ideas and learn from them. Then you can incorporate your ideas and methods into new hire training and the development of the rest of your team. When you use best practices learned from your actively engaged employees, you recognize their value to your organization and help the rest of your team move your business forward.

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