Senior Fitness – Exercise for Seniors

At least once a week on any local news channel in any part of the country there is a color piece about an octogenarian who has just completed a marathon, or a 98-year-old man who has gone skydiving, or a team of rugby players. of more than 60 years. Fitness is not exclusive to young people.

It’s true that age affects joints and muscles, but the principles of honing the body’s strength, flexibility, balance, and cardiovascular health still hold true for the elderly as well as the young. Sprints in high winds and hundreds of push-ups may not be the best route to senior fitness, but there are still many types of exercises for seniors. Here are some of the best…


You can not run? To swim! Swimming combines the intensity of a full-body workout (especially the core) with a low-impact, reduced-stress environment. One of the best exercise options for seniors suffering from arthritis. This exercise is especially appealing to older women who suffer from chronic back pain or older people with brittle bones.

Tai Chi

No, this is not a spiced herbal drink available at Starbucks (that’s chai tea). It is an ancient martial art that focuses on subtle movement, coordination, and balance. As a martial art, it is much more art than martial. This is a wonderful exercise for seniors as speed is not a requirement. And regardless of age, Tai Chi is used by many as a way to relieve stress as well as keep fit.


If you kindly take up Tai Chi, Yoga would be a healthy next step. Yoga may be more vigorous than Tai Chi, but still applicable for senior fitness. It works to strengthen and lengthen muscles, as well as improve flexibility. Additionally, there are many yoga poses and routines specifically designed to relieve back pain.


The most primitive, and perhaps the best, exercise humans were meant to walk. The human body evolved to withstand and thrive on long, low-impact walks, and that applies perfectly to seniors. Walking in the fresh air encourages adaptability; it is the opposite of the treadmill. Even a slow walk can provide a good amount of cardiovascular exercise without getting to intense and painful levels for seniors.


This is not a traditional exercise for the elderly. No one thinks of a 60-and-older rowing team when they think of senior fitness. But, rowing provides a strenuous upper body workout, without the pump and grind of the gym. Rowing works your quads, core, and even your leg muscles. It also adds the cool element, essential to the lives of seniors. Exercising along the calm bank of a local river can be quite enchanting.

back flips

Okay, maybe not. In fact, it’s definitely not an exercise for seniors. Stick to the top five.

In short, have fun. Simple activities like dancing, golfing, gardening, or even having a picnic can be a great way to keep your body active. Signing up for an hour a day at the gym is not a necessity, as long as it gets the blood flowing, a simple walk to the corner store can do the trick. The principles of fitness and senior fitness are the same; find enjoyable and fulfilling activities, choose variety over a boring daily routine, and don’t be afraid to include others!

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