Runic wizardry and quantum physics

Runic Sorcery Part 7

The Rune Sorcery lessons you have been studying were written for the Runemaster of today. The main idea behind all the writings on the Runes is to bring the Runes and those who study and use them out of the Viking age and into the 21st century.

The Runes are powerful keys to the Universal Creative Energies. They existed long before Odin and more recently Guido Von List who rediscovered them.

They go back to the distant past of our race. Even perhaps beyond the origin of language. These are “symbols” that are much more powerful than words!

According to the Laws of Quantum Physics, everything that ever was, is, or ever will be exists in an infinite ocean of thought, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

Runes have always existed and will always exist in the Quantum Ocean.

What you want to do with all your runic witchcraft work is to use the pure runic symbols. Try to stay away from the rituals and ceremonies that other Rune Masters have used throughout the centuries. They are all contaminated with your consciousness, belief systems and energies.

You want to build your Runic Sorcery Skills, ceremonies, spells, etc. with pure runic energy straight from the Quantum Ocean. Motto of their own ceremonies and rituals. Use your own words, tools and methods. If you create your own rituals, they will resonate exclusively with you.

These lessons are just manuals that will help show you the way to build your own rituals.

All you need to know is that Runes exist in the Quantum Ocean as Keys to pure unmanifested energy. By studying, meditating and breathing the Runes, you make direct contact with these energies. You draw them into your Aura.

One of the secrets of Quantum Physics is the Law of Attraction.

Any thought, image or symbol that you have in your mind will attract similar energies from the Quantum Ocean into your Energy field (Aura). Whatever energies you carry in your Aura will draw to you, like a manet, people, places and events that will help you manifest these energies into your physical reality.

You meditate, study, breathe the FA Rune and the energies of the FA Prosperity Rune in the Quantum Ocean will flow into your Aura. Once this FA Rune Prosperity energy fills your Aura and removes all non-prosperity energies that previously existed in your Aura, it will radiate out into the physical world. The energy of the FA Prosperity Rune radiates out from your Aura as energies of probability and possibility.

People, places and events will respond to these FA Prosperity Rune energies and bring you wealth.

As a Rune Sorcerer, you don’t close your eyes and wish for a pot of gold to manifest from the Quantum Ocean into your life. You use your Sorcerer powers to mentally change the signal you are sending; thus attracting what you want. You literally make people, places, and events help you get rich.

In the case of the UR Rune, you fill your Aura with powerful healing energies that help break down the energy blockages in your Aura that cause all illness and disease. At the same time, you’ll attract people, places, and events that share health ideas, books, and methodologies with you.

Rune Thorn will draw protective energies towards you. You were told how to project these Thorn energies to protect yourself, your home and your property. She can also mentally surround her children with Thorn Rune energy while they are at school. As you drive your car, project the Thorn energy around you and protect yourself from raging drivers and accidents.

We live in a fast-paced and dangerous world. We are constantly being bombarded by the thoughts, feelings and ideas of others. By becoming a powerful rune sorcerer, you can protect yourself and your family from harmful external influences.

Use the Runes and your mind to attract health, wealth, love and protection for you and your loved ones.

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