Reiki helps women with fertility problems achieve their pregnancy goals

Reiki, a Japanese energy modality, may seem difficult for the logical mind to understand, but that’s because in the Western world we tend to understand only what we can see. When we look at the human body we see the biological aspects of the bones, skin, hair, etc., as well as the chemical components of the blood and hormones.

Researchers have shown that we also incorporate an energy component. Energy exists within each cell and between each cell – our subtle matter. This energy, when blocked or diminished, can cause many physical problems in the body, including fertility problems.

In many areas of the world, medical treatments or health and wellness models include the integration of some form of energy medicine to treat the entire body. When one’s energy is out of balance, the body is affected in some way. Over time, an energy imbalance will manifest as some type of symptom or disease in the body.

The longer a practitioner works with an energy modality, the more sensitive they become to what is or is not happening in the client’s energy field. After writing an article on Reiki and fertility issues, I received a phone call from Karen* explaining the challenges she faces with fertility and how the medical community advises her to adopt or receive a donor egg. Something in her voice tells me that she knows she can get pregnant. We then discuss what Reiki can do to support her body, mind and emotions, whether she is trying to get pregnant on her own or going through the in vitro fertilization process.

Our life story impacts and creates the energetic dynamics that are occurring in our body. Positive behaviors such as good eating habits, exercise, and increased healthy self-esteem fuel a flow of positive energy in the body. Constant stress, lack of exercise, substance abuse, and harboring a negative or fearful belief system cause blockages in the energy field that decrease flow to different areas of the body. The energy field can also be damaged by broken bones, falls, past surgeries, serious illness, or long-term mental or emotional stress.

An energy practitioner must first assess what is or is not occurring in the client’s entire energy field and then work to repair and restore it. What we must understand when seeking any energy modality for healing is that it took years or even decades to create the energy dynamics that are occurring in our body to support or obstruct our health and pregnancy goals. Restoring wellness using Reiki is a process.

During my first session with Karen, I explored where her energy was blocked or out of balance and began to restore her energy field. I noticed that the energy around her reproductive system was very low. The energy of the left ovary seemed too hot and it felt like the energy was isolated or not connected to the rest of the reproductive system. I noticed that her field to the left of her in those areas was losing energy, so I began working to seal the energy leaks and saturate her field with Reiki. I also felt that her sinuses on her right side were bothering her.

All parts of our body play a role in keeping us healthy. Our energy, when at its optimum, supports total health and wellness. It provides the fuel for all of our body’s systems and organs to function at full capacity. Without a full tank, we can feel like we’re struggling on multiple levels; Our body may not be able to function perfectly the way the various components were supposed to and our emotional or mental states may experience depression or feel overwhelmed.

Unlike the medical field, where doctors look at measurements of hormone levels, follicle development, anatomical abnormalities, and other patterns during infertility treatment, Reiki cannot label specific deficiencies in a woman’s energy field. because the energy dynamics of each person is different. The common thread is that every woman’s energy is lowered in some way, but the reason for low energy levels is different for everyone.

After completing the energy field assessment, I used Reiki to bring Karen’s energy body back into balance. It can take several sessions to restore a body’s energy and repair broken and depleted energy lines (chakras, meridians, nadis, hara line) that send energy to different parts of the body. Fortunately, Reiki can energetically connect people at a distance and achieve the same amazing results whether they are apart or physically together in the same space.

Reiki can be used throughout a woman’s cycle to support the growth of the follicles and the recruitment of healthy eggs, the fertilization of the eggs, and to help the embryo implant in the lining of the uterus. Reiki also provides emotional and mental balance helping the client align with the fertility process in a more positive way. It is very discouraging for a woman to be told by the medical community that she should give up when she feels empowered to manifest a family. The negativity penetrates your emotional and energetic fields, creating more blockages. Reiki supports her in a place of knowing that everything will work out for the best and that all parts of her being are working to create the highest good for all. We are powerful protesters, especially where our hearts dwell. Energy follows thought and is empowered by our feelings.

It is important for women with fertility problems to know that the process of receiving Reiki to restore the energy field should begin as soon as possible when they are considering conception by any means. This gives the woman’s energy field time to cleanse, repair, and strengthen for her new cycle to begin. Reiki also helps with the lack of energy a woman feels in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy, as well as providing excellent support for labor and delivery.

A medical client who successfully used Reiki to get pregnant noted that although there are no scientific studies on Reiki in fertility treatment, infertility is a medical crisis for a couple that affects all aspects of their life and well-being. Taking care of each other and the relationship during this time is mandatory.

Diversifying your healing team, including yourself as a committed member, will make a difference in how quickly you can reach your goals. The Reiki that clients receive during this process not only supports the reproduction process, but also helps achieve balance and peace in mind, body, and life.

*customer name changed to protect privacy

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