Puppy Scams – A Growing Online Business

There are many scammers parading the internet as puppy lovers trying to sell you puppies they don’t own. It’s a shame these scammers take advantage of good-hearted people looking for a new puppy to add to their family. Here are some tips to keep in mind when looking for a puppy online:

-You should always make sure that the pet vendor has a public place where customers can visit to interact with the puppies. Even if that location isn’t near you, at least you know that other people can visit the puppies and that the puppies really do exist. If you are not offered this option, you should ask for photos of the puppies next to specific items (like a can of coke, etc.) to ensure that this puppy exists at the seller’s location.

-Never transfer money! If you’re buying a puppy online without visiting the seller’s location, always make sure the payment is made through a traceable source (such as credit card or PayPal) to ensure you’re guaranteed a refund if the puppy never arrives.

-Try to stay away from “Free Puppy” ads. These are usually scammers disguised as puppy lovers who will scam you by asking you for money for shipping up front.

-Never be fooled by ads from people masquerading as so-called missionaries from other countries (Africa, etc.) They usually claim to have high end pedigree puppies such as bulldogs, yorkshire terriers and Maltese for ten times less than the price of puppies at local breeders or other reputable breeders and usually ask for money to be wired to have their “babies” shipped to them.

-If the seller is a reputable business, you should find out if any complaints have been filed and never resolved by searching the BBB website.

Always follow these guidelines when looking for a new puppy to avoid the emotional and financial pain associated with trying to acquire a puppy from an online scammer. Many people have made and are currently making these mistakes. Do not be one of them!

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