PAGG Stack – Is it a hangover cure?

It seems that there may well be a side effect of the PAGG Stack. PAGG Stack is a new combo set of supplements that has enabled people to lose weight. There are no reported negative side effects, which is why it is becoming more and more popular as people hear about it.

One positive side effect that has emerged from woodworking is the possibility that it is a hangover cure. There is obviously no cure for a hangover as every supermarket in the country would sell it and probably make a huge profit along the way.

However, it does seem to have a dramatic effect on how you feel the day after drinking too much alcohol, and can significantly reduce the effects of a hangover enough to allow you to get on with your day normally after a really good night’s sleep. party.

PAGG – Can it lessen hangover symptoms?

The PAGG stack consists of policosanol, alpha lipoic acid, garlic extract, and green tea. All have been reported to contain the right kinds of ingredients to lessen the effects of a hangover. Thus combined, they are excellent complements to take on the day of a good session, to guarantee that the next day it is not completely lost.

There are four theoretical main causes of a hangover which consist of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), dehydration, acetaldehyde and glutamine intoxication.

So the theoretical causes are that blood sugar is too low, dehydration, and toxins are present in the liver and intestine. The PAGG supplement stack consists of ingredients that remove toxins from the liver, reduce acetaldehyde poisoning, and also pass the contents of your intestine through the body faster, preventing them from settling in your system and entering your bloodstream.

For advanced scientific information on each supplement, it’s best to refer to Wikipedia for benefits, but the basics are below:

Policosanol: It works by helping the liver to control production. It is a long chain aliphatic alcohol composed of 20 or more carbons. It is known to lower serum lipids and ultimately improve liver function. This can lead to a significant reduction in acetaldehyde concentrations.

Alpha Lipoic Acid: Increases the excretion of toxic metals, helps the liver to detoxify and regenerates vitamin C and E.

Garlic Extract: Contains S-allyl-cysteine ​​which is an acetaldehyde neutralizer.

Green Tea – Helps constrict blood vessels, reducing the stabbing pain of an oncoming headache.

Where can I get the PAGG stack?

If you’re looking to buy PAGG supplements in the EU, UK, or US, there are plenty of places that sell them, but make sure you buy each supplement with the correct level of ingredients needed. There are also other things to keep in mind, i.e. if you buy PAGG in the US and live in the UK/EU, you will be subject to some additional charges and the same may apply the other way around. Alternatively, you can buy the supplements separately, which can definitely work out cheaper, but again make sure they’re at the right levels.

To find out what these levels are and the various places you can buy them, check out this site that is dedicated to trying to provide information on supplements and also places to buy them: PAGG Stack

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