Numbers and how high they go

From the Wikipedia encyclopedia: A number is an abstract idea used for counting and measuring. A symbol that represents a number is called a numeral, but in common usage the word number is used for both the idea and the symbol.

The definition of number has been expanded over the years to include numbers such as zero, negative numbers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, and complex numbers.

How high are the numbers going? In our daily lives we use many of the lower numbers, such as one to ten, and up to the trillions. We rarely go higher than that. What about those numbers beyond the trillions? We may not even know many of them.

Let me give you an idea of ​​the numbers that exist. We will start with zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and nine. All other numbers are just combinations of these, we take one and add zero to make ten, and so on. Take a look at all the numbers people have come up with:

One hundred 100

Thousand thousand

Millions 1,000,000

Billion 1,000,000,000

Billion 1,000,000,000,000

Quadrillions of 1 and 15 zeros

Quintillion 1 and 18 zeros

Sextillion 1 and 21 zeros

Septillion 1 and 24 zeros

Octillion 1 and 27 zeros

No million of 1 and 30 zeros

Decillion 1 and 33 zeros

Undecillion 1 and 36 zeros

Duodecillion 1 and 39 zeros

Tredecillion 1 and 42 zeros

Quad billionaire 1 and 45 zeros

Quidecillion 1 and 48 zeros

Sexdecillion 1 and 51 zeros

Septendecillion 1 and 54 zeros

Octadecillion 1 and 57 zeros

Novemdecillion 1 and 60 zeros

Vigintillion 1 and 63 zeros

Unvigintillion 1 and 66 zeros

Dovigintillion 1 and 69 zeros

Trevigintillion 1 and 72 zeros

Quattuorvigintillion 1 and 75 zeros

Quinvigintillón 1 and 78 zeros

Sexvigintillion 1 and 81 zeros

Septenvigintillion 1 and 84 zeros

Octovigintillion 1 and 87 zeros

Novemvigintillion 1 and 90 zeros

Trigintillion 1 and 93 zeros

Untrigintillion 1 and 96 zeros

Dotrigintillion 1 and 99 zeros

Tretrigintillion 1 and 102 zeros

Quadrillions of 1 and 105 zeros

Quintrigintillion 1 and 108 zeros

Sextrigintillion 1 and 111 zeros

Septentrigintillion 1 and 114 zeros

Octotrigintillion 1 and 117 zeros

Novemtrintillion 1 and 120 zeros

Untrigintillion 1 and 123 zeros

100 Untrigintillion equals one Googol

100 Googol equals one Googolplex

When people start dealing with such high numbers, they go nuts. Someone decided that a googol is a 1 and 100 zeros, and a googolplex is a 1 followed by a googol of zeros, which is an extremely long number. I wonder if anyone really knows what they are doing when it comes to such high numbers.

In some foreign countries they have a different list of numbers. So since we don’t really have to deal with these high numbers, we don’t have to worry about it, but they can be fun.

Here are a couple of cool things about numbers: 18 is the only number that is twice the sum of its digits: 1 + 8 = 9 9×2 = 18.

Multiply 111,111,111 by 111,111,111 It is equal to 12345678987654321. Try it on your calculator on your computer. Small calculators don’t have enough number spaces.

Here are a couple more interesting things:

God speaks to Moses: “And innumerable worlds have I created … and innumerable are for man; but all things are numbered for me, because they are mine and I know them.” Moses 1:33 and 35.

In the scriptures it is mentioned: “numerous as the sands on the seashore”. It would be impossible to count so many grains of sand! There are many more cool things to do with numbers. Check them out and have fun!

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