Making Money Online – Understanding The Power Of Keywords And How They Can Help You Make Big Money

If you’re new to making money online, it’s important to understand a concept called keyword research.

The reason for this is the way people search for information on sites like Google and Bing.

What do you do when you search for information? If typical, write a short phrase like “how to fix a toaster,” “NFL scores,” or “best natural supplements.”

The search engine then goes to work finding articles that match the keyword you have entered into the search box. So if you type the phrase “how to fix a toaster”, you should find articles related to toaster repair.

This concept of how people search for information is important to understand because this translates to keywords that can make you good money.

The best domain names

The best domain names are those that are absolutely identical to the keyword you have chosen for your niche. For example, if you have chosen the niche “best natural supplements”, your main keyword should be best natural supplements and your domain name should be, .net, etc.

However, before jumping to this conclusion, it’s good to do some research. A great free tool for this type of research is the Google External Keyword Tool. To access it, simply type Google’s external keyword tool in the search box of your search engine.

the big secret

When the External Keyword Tool opens, you’ll see a box where you can type a search term. In this case, you can write the best natural supplements. However, and here’s the big secret, you shouldn’t be doing this. Instead, keep this location in mind, and then type “best natural supplements” into your search box.

The search engine, in this case Google, will display a list of the pages most closely related to your term: “best natural supplements”. You can ignore the first two listings because they are paid listings. In other words, advertisers have paid to be at the top of the results page.

Look instead at the third or fourth listing and copy its URL. If you did a search for “best natural supplements,” the third list might be “best naturalsOrganic Products and supplements”.

If this is the case, copy the URL, for example – then go back to the External Keyword Tool and type that URL into the box labeled Website.

Click Search and Google will show you all the keywords associated with that site. It will also show you how many times each keyword is searched for on a monthly basis and how much competition there is for it.

As you go through the list of keywords, you’ll see that there are some with less competition than others. For example, the term “vitamin and mineral supplements” has 1,900 monthly searches but less competition than, say, “herbal supplement.” This means that “vitamin and mineral supplements” might be a better keyword to build a site with, since the term is searched for and there is less competition, which means you have a better chance of landing on that coveted first page of Google.

This investigation will not take long and does not cost anything. But it could pay big dividends by helping you find “money words,” or keywords with big advantages and fewer disadvantages.

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