Lose Weight Fast Up To 17 Pounds In Just 7 Days – Losing Belly Fat Can Be That Fast

Some people want to lose weight fast, others need to lose weight fast due to health considerations. This diet is from Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital and is used for overweight heart patients who need to lose weight quickly, usually before surgery; Losing belly fat has never been so easy if you strictly follow the diet.

Basic Fat Burning Soup

6 large onions
2 large green bell peppers
1 head of celery
1 large cabbage
1 can of tomato paste
2 cans of chopped tomatoes
3 large carrots
4 large mushrooms

Lightly season to taste and add a handful of fresh herbs.

Cut vegetables into small to medium pieces and cover with water, boil for ten minutes and simmer until vegetables are tender.

This soup can be eaten anytime you are hungry, eat as much as you want at any time of the day.

Follow the following diet daily for 7 days to ensure results, but first check with your doctor or health care professional before embarking on any diet or exercise regimen.

Day 1 Eat all fruits except bananas; melon and watermelon are especially recommended for day 1. Eat as much soup as you like.

Day 2 Today no fruit but all the fresh or cooked vegetables you want avoiding dried beans, peas and corn. Eat as much soup as you want. Reward yourself at dinner with a large baked potato.

Day 3 Mix days 1 and 2 and eat all the soup, fruits and vegetables you want. No baked potatoes today.

If you have strictly adhered to the above for three days, you should have lost 5-7 pounds.

Day 4 Eat up to 6 bananas and as many glasses of skimmed milk as you like. Eat as much soup as you want.

Day 5 You can eat 300-600 grams of beef today with up to 6 tomatoes, try to drink up to 8 glasses of water. Eat as much soup as you like, but at least once.

day 6 Today you can eat as much meat and vegetables as you want. Eat as much soup as you want.

day 7 On the last day you can eat all the brown rice and vegetables you want, drink unsweetened fruit juices. Eat as much soup as you like, but at least once.

By the end of day 7, if you haven’t cheated on this diet, you’ll have lost 10 to 17 pounds; If you’ve lost more than 18 pounds, stay off the diet for at least two days before starting again.

Foods and drinks to avoid: Bread, alcohol and carbonated drinks.

This seven day diet plan is a fast fat burning diet and can be used as often as you like and if followed correctly it will cleanse your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well being. After just a few days, you will begin to feel lighter and full of energy.

Because everyone’s digestive system is different, this diet will have a different effect on everyone who participates in it.

Thanks for reading this article, good luck to you.

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