Is LASIK right for me?

The subject of LASIK is very interesting. There is a lot to research and understand about the process of vision correction through laser surgery. I hope this article helps point you where to go to do the best research. There are advantages and disadvantages to consider before undergoing this type of surgery.

First, if you’re already firmly set on LASIK, read these tips:

1. Be sure to see a doctor who uses the new Interlase laser to perform the corneal flap.

Because? Because the Interlase is 100 times more accurate than the “old fashioned” method of using a microkeratome to cut the initial flap. Many speculate that most of the problems that arise from LASIK surgery are due to the inaccuracy of the microkeratome device used to cut the cornea.

2. Definitely insist on a custom wavefront laser to reshape the cornea.

Because? Because the custom wavefront can get rid of what are called higher order aberrations.

what does this mean to you? It means much sharper vision after surgery and a significantly lower chance of halos, starbursts, and other LASIK “complications.”

Repetition: Be sure to go to a surgeon who uses Interlase and Custom Wavefront technology to perform LASIK surgery. Relatively few practices have these new technologies. Consider that surgeons investing in these technologies may have more of your interests in mind.

One of the top 5 LASIK surgeons lives in Kansas City. Visit his site: durrievision Check out the information on his site, including videos where he explains what LASIK is all about. Compare your prospective surgeon’s website with yours and you may spot a difference.

Next, you need to be aware of potential LASIK surgery issues while checking surgical eyes; it is possible that he will discover that these horror stories stem from procedures that did not use interlase and custom wavefront technology together. See- there is a reason to go with new technologies. You can email the people on this site and ask them questions about their procedures and the complications they faced or are still facing.

One of the problems with LASIK has been the 20/20 LASIK phenomenon. Some people technically see 20/20 after the procedure, but it’s not normal. Instead, it is fuzzy or fuzzy. This is probably due to the higher order aberrations mentioned above. That’s why it’s important to get a custom LASIK. Custom wavefront lasers can eliminate those aberrations, hopefully allowing you to avoid the LASIK 20/20 phenomenon.

If your doctor says you don’t need the custom treatment, I would ask if you have a custom wavefront machine. There may be some legitimate reasons not to go through the custom procedure, but I seriously doubt there are many.

If you don’t have such a machine, I would wonder if your recommendation is based on what is best for you as a patient. Still, it’s always worth getting a second opinion, and in this case, you should.

These are your eyes we are talking about and you owe it to yourself to educate yourself on all aspects of this surgery before undergoing treatment. The surgical eye website mentioned above is worth investigating. You need to know what could go wrong and how to choose a doctor and team that will help you avoid problems.

I’ll say it again. Try going with Interlase to cut the corneal flap and try going with a custom wavefront laser to reduce the risk of complications! I cannot stress this enough.

I went through a selection process to get LASIK and was categorized as an excellent candidate. They even wanted me to participate in a study program that would save me about $600. I still turned it down. In the end, I decided that I did not want lasers on my eyes.

Of course, there is something to be said for not wearing glasses or contacts anymore and there are plenty of happy patients out there. I just want you to know both the pros and cons.

Do you really need LASIK? I think it’s worth looking into natural vision therapy and seeing what you can do to correct your vision naturally before permanently etching your current prescription into your cornea.

Many people have obtained results from vision therapy. Some have even gotten rid of their glasses and/or contact lenses forever. I have been informed by an industry insider that this happens, but not very often.

There are a couple of books to check out on natural vision enhancement if you’re interested in that alternative. Thomas Quakenbush’s Relearning to See is one that comes to mind.

The original pioneer in vision improvement was Dr. Bates. He was an early 20th century ophthalmologist who really took a risk to go against the prevailing theories of the time (which still persist). Many of the people he helped were very grateful, I’m sure.

I have dabbled in naturally improving my vision. I have noticed a decrease in blood pressure, but my vision has not returned to 20/20. This type of improvement requires work and determination.

That is why LASIK exists today; everyone is different in their desires and expectations. If you’re in a hurry and don’t mind permanently etching a prescription into your cornea, LASIK might be for you.

I hope this helps you in your quest to learn more about LASIK surgery and points you in the right directions to learn more so you can make an informed decision before deciding to have this often expensive elective procedure. Below the disclaimer you will find a link to additional information.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or suggest treatment for any health condition. Consult a healthcare professional if you have or suspect you have any health-related problems for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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