How to write a press release about yourself

Understand the difference between a press release and an article

You’ve probably heard the term “press release” before, but do you know what it means when it comes to how to write a press release for yourself? It seems to be a common misconception that the term is just a fancy word for an article, but there are some differences between the two.

An article is best described as written content that is printed or displayed electronically. You can cover any topic, but more often than not it’s timeless content that people will benefit from regardless of when they read it. A press release, on the other hand, is often time-sensitive information about a current event, social concern, or announcement. A press release is what you’ll see when a new business opens or there’s a major event, like an expansion. When it comes to writing one about yourself, there are a few details you need to know. So let’s find out how to write a press release about yourself!

Company press releases

When a company writes and publishes a press release, its entire purpose is to inform the public and draw attention to the business. This can be a great marketing tool, when completed correctly, or it can be a hindrance to the business if poorly developed. Knowing how to write a press release about yourself can be tricky. For a business to create a truly beneficial press release, there are a few things they need to keep in mind:


It may seem like a small thing, but a press release headline can easily make or break it. The title should be concise and direct, while at the same time informing the reader about the topic of the article and capturing her interest. A general rule is that the title should be less than twenty words and should be interesting: the reader should feel compelled to seek more information.


Once a suitable title has been created, a summary should follow. The abstract should give more details about the article. You can explain more about the new company or the change the company has made. Once the audience has read the abstract, they should know exactly what the article is about and what the headline or title is for. The abstract should be brief and will usually only be two or three sentences long. After the summary, a standard format press release will contain the time and date of the release. If it’s published online, it’s likely that the publishing service will do it for you.


The introduction to a press release should be a lengthy summary of the entire article. It should include five main points: who, what, when, where and why. You need to further educate the reader about what is happening, why it is happening, and how it can be useful to them or how it is beneficial in general. This is what gets people excited about what’s going on, and it’s the key to how to write a PR about yourself. If it is poorly written or explained, it can have the opposite effect.

Body and Authority

The title, timestamp, abstract, and introduction are then set; It’s time to move on to the body of the press release. The body should include information and quotes provided by someone with power over the subject of the release. If the business is new, the information must be from the owner. If it’s a press release about a new invention, ideally the information should come from the person who came up with the idea. Otherwise, it could be from the person who decided the product was worth making.


With all the main points out of the way and the audience now with a full understanding of what the company has to offer, it’s time to close the press release. This is the part where the reader should be able to figure out how to learn more about the company, product, or service, or the part of the information that calls for action.

Write a press release about yourself

Now that you understand the basics of how to write a press release, you can apply the concept to yourself. Although press releases are often targeted at businesses, they can also be used for individuals such as public speakers, freelancers, or other contract-type services provided by individuals. For example, if you’re a public speaker traveling to a city for the first time, putting out a press release about it is a great way to gain a following and build your audience while you’re there.

To sell yourself through a press release as a marketing medium, you need to find something captivating to attract the audience. They must feel that they will miss something if they do not read the content. You need to be able to tell them what makes you stand out and what it is that you are doing that is significant, compared to other people in the field. If you want to know how to write a press release to help sell yourself to an audience, the following tips may be helpful.

First and foremost, make sure your readers know what you’re doing.

Once they understand what you do, show them why you stand out from the competition.

In doing this, never put other people down or say that you are “better than” someone else. People tend to respond much better to positive information that seems exciting and new than to a negative atmosphere.

Write the press release in the third person.

It may seem strange to write about yourself this way, but it will be much better for the reader, and it’s harder to leave out important information that you might assume the reader knows if you were writing in the first person.

Be honest.

Don’t try to become something you are not. You want to be able to present yourself in a way that makes you look good to readers, but you want to make sure you give them an accurate idea of ​​who you are and what you have to offer. One of the fastest ways to damage your reputation is to mislead your audience.

Remember, when you know how to write a press release, you have a valuable marketing tool and, if written and distributed correctly, can give you a powerful business advantage, whether you’re an individual or writing on behalf of a company.

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