How to properly educate your new puppy at home

Training your new puppy to use the bathroom outdoors is usually a long process that requires a lot of patience. The best training methods to use are positive reinforcement, praise and reward your dog for good behavior and ignore bad behavior.

Taking your pup out is often the best defense against accidents. Just like human babies, puppies can’t hold it for long. A typical rule of thumb is that a puppy can hold his bladder about an hour longer than her age in months, but keep in mind that this does not mean he will hold it that long. Take your dog out as often as possible and always take him out immediately if he starts sniffing the ground.

Keep as strict a schedule as possible for feeding your dogs. This will make your life much easier. Digestion generally proceeds at a very predictable rate, if you feed your dog at a standard hour, he will eliminate at a standard hour, which will help reduce accidents.

During puppyhood, keep your dog’s diet simple. Try not to change food or give the dog leftover food or unusual food. Puppies’ digestive systems aren’t very developed yet, and fluctuations in diet can cause loose stools or irregular bowel movements that could surprise you and your rug.

Always take your dog to the same area of ​​the yard to relieve himself. Keep the dog on a leash and paced to encourage movement. Try issuing some type of potty command and gently praise your pup when successful, feel free to overdo it so the dog knows how happy you are with him. If the dog hasn’t left in about 3 minutes, bring him inside but keep him close to you or in the crate and try again in 30 minutes to an hour.

Remember that your dog is not only not human but just a baby, accidents will happen. Potty training your dog takes time and patience.

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