How to fix error 80004005

Error 80004005 is perhaps one of the most annoying things to ever appear on your computer screen. Most computer errors are very specific to various programs or operations. Error 80004005, however, seems to be a pretty generic error code, as it tends to pop up for all sorts of reasons.

The error could arise due to a problem with VBScript. This is a computer script similar to Javascipt. Microsoft uses VBScript to interact with various web features, including saving passwords. You can try to fix the problem first by making sure you are in the administrative account and without restrictions. If you discover that you are already in such settings, your firewall may not allow access to the site.

Another time the error will occur is when you are having trouble connecting. You may get an error message that there is a login error or something like “SQL permissions problem”. Most likely this is another permissions bug. The causes of this connectivity issue can vary widely where the permissions issue comes into play. Pay attention to the verbiage on the error screen. Hopefully it will give you clues as to where to start troubleshooting.

You may have entered information incorrectly, causing the 80004005 error. For example, if you receive this error after trying to send information with numbers such as a phone number or social security number, try going back and entering them as strings instead of direct numbers. For example, instead of putting a phone number like 5551234, but 555-1234.

You may get error 80004005 while trying to sign in to your IM. The first thing to do if this happens is to check and see if you have the latest version. Most instant messengers make regular updates with new features and scripts. Older versions can suddenly become obsolete. It’s a good idea to update whenever prompted, and occasionally (every two months) check the IM website to see if there’s a newer version you might be using.

Another thing you can try if you get the error code while using an instant messenger is to delete the cache files associated with it. Depending on which messenger you’re using and which version of Windows, this can be done in a number of ways, so do a quick search for the exact details given the versions you’re working with.

Last and most common, if you have an internet security program (eg parental control, antivirus), it may have corrupted files. Use a tool that automatically fixes corrupted files and registry entries.

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