How to determine if you are experiencing perimenopause or menopause?

Life begins at 40 as the saying goes. But for some women from the age of 30, their journey towards the menopausal episode begins. Perimenopause, as it is called, would never be easy for most women facing this. These are the common signs of perimenopause. Check it out if you are experiencing some of them.

*vaginal dryness

* sexual discomfort

*Memory problems

* Trouble sleeping

*Short menstrual cycle

*Unpredictable period (some may skip period, some may experience bleeding lasting two weeks, others may have period twice in a month)

* Spotting between menstrual cycle

*Spotting after intercourse

* Self-pity leading to depression.

* Irritability

*Hot flushes

* Frequent urination (especially at night)

* Sensitivity and discomfort in the breasts

PMS or PMS is more similar to the symptoms of perimenopause, although PMS must be based on the menstrual cycle itself. On the other hand, perimenopause is associated with the unpredictable period, many times shorter than the normal menstrual cycle of 28 days. Before the period, one may experience breast tenderness and when the bleeding occurs, hot flashes and more irritating symptoms arise.

This and more symptoms will be experienced by women in their perimenopausal stage. Good for those who won’t be experiencing the turmoil of perimenopause. Yes, there are women who have rarely experienced the symptoms of perimenopause. I spoke with Juliet and Minda, who just turned 60. Neither of them experienced the symptoms of perimenopause. Her term just ended after her 50th birthday. But they experience some physically upsetting changes when menopause hits.

Menopause is a natural phase that women will experience. The recurrence of menstruation for 3 to 6 months and will eventually stop for a full year is a sign of menopause. At that time, a woman could no longer get pregnant as she stops her period. Like Juliet and Minda, who don’t experience many of the symptoms of perimenopause, but do experience the throes of menopause due to hormonal imbalance.

Hormone replacement therapy or HRT will often be considered to decrease severe hormonal imbalance. Your GP may offer some suggestions to treat abnormalities, such as taking hormonal pills. There are also gels, implants, and skin patches that could reverse estrogen loss.

Estrogen depletion will also lead to vaginal dryness during menopause and perimenopause. You may consider applying vaginal moisturizers or lubricants. There is also a vaginal estrogen cream that is more effective at reducing dryness. But if your GP suggests CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy, try to entertain the idea, especially if you’re experiencing mood swings, anxiety or depression.

Staying healthy is the best way to avoid the dilemma of perimenopause and menopause. There are many healthy foods around, start picking organic, it’s 100% safe. You can also include natural food supplements in your diet such as the Buah Merah Mix which contains six super natural fruits and vegetables such as moringa, wheatgrass, barley, mangosteen, guyabano and buah merah. Buah Merah Mix is ​​a fully charged ready to drink juice that will energize your body while detoxifying it. It is a good source of vitamins and minerals to ease the throes of hormonal imbalance during perimenopause and menopause.

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