How to cut a dog’s nails without blood, sweat and tears!

Your dog’s nails

How to trim a dog’s nails is one of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to grooming dogs.

Knowing how to cut a dog’s nails is very important and if you are wondering how to cut a dog’s nails, you don’t need to look any further. As usual, we have done all the research for you and present you with a step-by-step guide on this delicate procedure.

Knowing not only how, but also when to cut a dog’s nails is very important. Your dog’s nails are constantly growing and how often they need to be trimmed will depend on your dog’s lifestyle. If your dog walks a lot on hard surfaces, he may very well need little or no extra help keeping his nails short, as his nails will naturally wear away from friction.

However, if like our dogs, your dog is mainly staying on the grass, sea sand and forest paths, trimming the dog’s nails becomes an essential part of grooming and it is important that he knows how to cut the dog’s nails.

Not knowing how to trim a dog’s nails and failure to trim a dog’s nails will cause crippling pain in your dog’s paws and could lead to permanent damage and malformation.

If clipping a dog’s nails isn’t really your strong suit, take your dog to your vet or groomer. They know how to trim a dog’s nails, and it’s amazing how much less prima donna your dog will be with strangers!

When to start

Dogs are often reluctant to have their nails trimmed, so starting the process at a very young age is a good idea.

Initially, get your dog used to simply holding and stroking his paws. Then progress by applying light pressure to their paws and nails, lightly pinching their nails between your index finger and thumb. Reward them for allowing this.

Then, after a lesson from your vets on how to trim a dog’s nails, lightly trim a couple of nails a day. Simply trim the tips, this reduces the chances that you will cut too deep and scare your dog.

Talk to your dog in a soft voice all the time and reward him with his favorite treat and a romp immediately afterward. Little by little you will get used to this unpleasant procedure and will learn, at least, to endure it.

Tools you will need

When wondering how to trim a dog’s nails, there are a variety of nail clippers and clippers on the market. The guillotine type is my favorite tool when trimming dog nails, although a strong claw clipper may be required for larger breeds and hunting dogs, they have incredibly large claws!

Sometimes you may want to use a small file or dremel tool to file down uneven edges after trimming a dog’s nails, but frankly my dogs can’t wait to get away from me so I’m happy to let them round . any roughness in the normal course of your daily walks.

It’s also wise to have an astringent pen on hand in case it snags on your dog’s fast, but we’ll discuss that later.

Anatomy of a dog’s claw

Knowing how to cut a dog’s nails is easier when you know the anatomy of a dog’s nail.

A dog’s claw is built with a hard outer covering, which protects the quick, which is the soft inner part that contains blood vessels and sensitive nerve endings. In dogs with light-colored nails, the quick can often be seen as a slightly pinkish color and therefore it is easy to avoid cutting it.

In the most common variety of black nails, the fast one is totally invisible. Therefore, it is imperative to know exactly how to cut a dog’s nails in this case. In these cases, it is more advisable to cut small bites rather than large slices.

Keep checking the cut part of your dog’s nail and look for a dark spot in the middle of the freshly cut area; this shows the beginning of the rapid; don’t cut too much on this. Taking only small bites, you will begin to see a third pale inner circle. Stop there, or else you will likely hurt your dog.

Also, don’t forget your dog’s dew claws. By growing on the inside of your legs and not in contact with the ground, they do not wear out and sometimes curl up completely causing your dog to get caught in brush, your bedding, etc. This can be very painful, so keep them neatly trimmed.

The best way to trim dog nails

The best way to trim a dog’s nails is to have it lying on a raised table or other surface. Remember to lay out a non-slip mat so your dog can sit or stand so he doesn’t slip and get hurt. Having someone strong hold your dog in their arms while you quickly clip a couple of nails is another effective way to do it.

However, your dog can be as good as gold and let you cut off his claws without any problem, in which case you are a very lucky person!

Carefully read the instructions for the nail cutting tool of your choice. For example, with the guillotine, you should cut from the bottom of your dog’s claw upwards. Never trim down.

Put the tool in the right place, wait for the right moment when your dog stops squirming, check that the clipper is in the right place, and tighten firmly and smoothly; the nail will just pop out.

When wondering when and how to trim a dog’s nails, little and often is the best policy. Simply nibbling on the ends of each claw will be less stressful for your dog – and you! The goal you should aim for is to trim off any protruding parts of your dog’s pad. Therefore, when standing, your dog’s claws should not touch the ground.

The good news is, like our own nails, the more you trim your dog’s nails, the more quickly it will fade. Therefore, cutting dog nails does not have to be done all at once, take your time.

Wow! You have entered the fast!

No matter how experienced you are in knowing how to trim a dog’s nails, accidents will happen.

Cutting the fast will make your dog scream in pain; I hate that happens. And, just like it would happen if you cut your fast, there will be a fair amount of bleeding. As much as you try not to allow this to happen, it will happen at some point, you better learn to deal with it.

Please let me assure you that it is not half as dramatic as it sounds. Stay calm, deal with the situation, and give your dog a big hug and his favorite treat when it’s all over.

If learning how to trim a dog’s nails is too much for you, take your dog to a groomer (some will even come to your house) to have his nails trimmed. It doesn’t cost a lot and at least your dog won’t blame you if you accidentally cut his nails too deep!

If bleeding occurs, you have three options:

  • You let the bleeding stop normally, but this could last 5-7 minutes (call the vet if it continues longer) and you will be trampled on your carpets as your dog seeks to get away from you. Also, your dog will try to lick your bleeding nail, which could make the bleeding continue longer.
  • You can hold a piece of tissue paper or a pinch of cornmeal firmly against the source of the bleeding, if your dog stays around long enough! – gold
  • You can keep an astringent pen or stick on hand as part of your dog’s grooming kit, which when applied to your dog’s nail will stop the bleeding instantly. It doesn’t hurt your dog, which is a bonus. You can get it from your vet or a good pet store.

    General foot checks

    Although knowing how to trim a dog’s nails is important, it is equally important to check your dog’s paws regularly.

    Check your pads for thorns or broken glass. Our dogs love to row in the sea and I also make sure they have their paws rinsed when they get home as dogs’ skin is quite sensitive to salt water.

    I also always check them when they return from their walks in the woods; I watch for any signs of lameness. Our dog, Holly in particular, who has long hair, tends to carry half the forest path home with her and I have occasionally found prickly bits buried deep in her fur.

    In winter, I pay special attention to the legs of our dogs because of the squeak of salt that occurs and also because they may have stepped on something that they could not see under the snow.

    In conclusion

    It is very important to keep your dog’s nails trimmed and his paws in good condition. Walking with nails that are too long is painful, it can lead to broken nails, nail bed infection, and large amounts of bleeding, and it can also lead to ingrown toenails breaking on your dog’s paw pads.

    Just a little regular preventive action on your part can make life a lot easier for your dog. Knowing how to trim a dog’s nails and just a little more care and attention will go a long way in keeping your dog active and healthy for a long, long time.

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