How does solar energy work?

Solar energy is an energy that is derived from the sun and once used it is absolutely free. Another advantage is that wherever we are, we can use this energy and using this form of energy is also very good for the environment. There are many advantages to using solar energy applications in our daily lives. First, the form of energy derived from sunlight does not have any potential harm like that of energy derived from fossil fuels. Solar energy is environmentally friendly and can be used to power various electronic applications used in modern life.

The basic principle on how solar energy is converted into electricity helps us understand its merits. Thermal energy or solar thermal energy that is derived from sunlight is converted into electricity when it comes into contact with a solar panel. The most used solar panel for this conversion is the photovoltaic panel. In this solar panel, the sunlight or photo is effectively converted into voltaic or electricity and hence the name given as photovoltaic panel.

Solar energy also ensures that we obtain electricity without the emission of pollutants. This is possible because the energy released by the photons does not create any carbon by-products and therefore the atmosphere is not polluted with carbon dioxide emissions. Actually, this becomes the main drawback of using the conventional form of electricity.

Another important benefit of using this form of energy is that it is a completely renewable and free form of energy source. In places where sunlight is reliable and ensures a sufficient place for the placement of solar panels, the use of solar energy is strongly recommended.

In residences, solar energy can be used to charge batteries and aid in the operation of lower-load appliances, lighting, pool heating, etc. Solar water heaters have become very popular with the public and solar cooking is also spreading because it helps save natural resources and money.
The only big downside is that solar power systems work only when the sun is shining and most solar panels cannot generate electricity once the sun goes down. Therefore, in such locations a backup generator might be required to provide electricity.

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