Herbal Colon Cleanse: An Alternative To Colon Irrigation

If you haven’t heard of colon irrigation or colon hydrotherapy by now, chances are you’ve been hibernating for the past few years. Cleaning your colon has become “fashionable”, be it male or female, young or old. Previously, the domain of celebrities such as Princess Diana; walk into any clinic, international hospital or spa and you are likely to be greeted with advertisements advocating the benefits of detoxifying your body through colon cleansing.

However, some people don’t like the idea of ​​laying on a table with a pipe up your butt, as effective and trendy as it is! While I don’t question the benefits of colonic irrigation, coffee enemas and the like are not for everyone!

So what are the alternatives?

A few years ago, while flipping through a women’s health magazine, an illustration of a typical colon (for someone on a standard Western diet) was enough to drive me to the drugstore to see their range of colon cleansing products. Here I found shelves crammed with a plethora of natural herbal supplements and teas that profess to get the job done.

Using an Herbal Colon Cleansing supplement is easy to implement and maintain, not to mention much more convenient than regular trips to a clinic for colon irrigation (although DIY kits are now available). There is also a wide range of herbs to choose from. of which these days are readily available from both high street dealers and online. Because there are generally no harmful side effects, they are also very safe, as long as, of course, you follow the directions on the label. However, just as a precaution, if you are taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, it is worth checking with your doctor for potential complications, as certain medications may not mix well with some supplements.

Why should I clean my colon?

Anyone with a stressful lifestyle or years of consuming a typical western diet that is low in fiber, high in fat, sugary items, white flour, microwave-cooked and fried foods is likely to have a considerable buildup of waste. toxic in the colon. These diets reduce the efficiency of our colon and consequently our waste products harden and become clogged in our digestive system.

Our settlers take what we eat and separate the usable products from our digested food and put them back into our bloodstream. Any waste material must be removed quickly, but the problem arises when toxins and bacteria accumulate through a slow or blocked colon, causing them to leak back into our body, poisoning our system. Simply put, the higher the toxins in our body, the greater the chance of developing a disease. Constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, poor skin, fatigue, joint pain, and unwanted weight gain could be possible symptoms of a blocked colon.

As cleaning your colon is the current fad, many of us have heard horror stories about how much and how heavy the accumulation of this waste product can be. What is often considered a “belly” or “spare tire” could actually be a distended colon from years of accumulation of toxic waste. This is why some people, after successfully cleaning their colon, not only feel much healthier but often lose a considerable amount of weight.

Colon Cleansing Herbs

There are numerous colon cleansing herbs available on the market, and while all commercial herbal supplements basically claim to do the same job, it’s worth doing a little research to find out which ones are right for you. It is important to educate yourself and possibly consult a doctor, as it is helpful to keep in mind that what works for one person may not work as well for you. Depending on your budget and your own diet and lifestyle, some herbal formulas will be more suitable than others. For example, if your diet is low in fiber, you can benefit from taking a Pysllium supplement to provide you with the fiber you need.

  • Pysllium is a widely used and very effective natural cleaner due to its high fiber content. It acts as a lubricant for the colon, allowing waste to pass through unobstructed. Very hard on uncooperative intestines, Pysllium adds bulk to waste matter and helps maintain regular bowel movements. It can also ease hunger pangs and relieve chronic symptoms like diarrhea and colitis. Psyllium husk can be drunk in tea, water or milk, it is also a common component in herbal supplements.
  • Flaxseed or flax seeds cleanse the colon and promote overall good health by cleaning the liver. It aids digestion and turns into a soft gelatinous substance that helps move material through the intestine.
  • Slippery elm helps normalize stool in the colon and softens any buildup of dry waste. It helps with both constipation and diarrhea and relieves stomach inflammation.
  • Dandelion is another excellent natural herb that cleanses both the colon and the liver.
  • Licorice root is also a popular ingredient in supplement pills and blends, a natural detoxifier that acts as a laxative.

Regardless of the colon cleansing herbs you choose, be patient. It may take days, weeks, or even months before you reap the full benefits of getting rid of unwanted waste from your body. While one person’s body may respond quickly, another’s may take longer. All herbal formulas should be used in moderation to avoid dehydration from too many bowel movements and it is important not to exceed the dosage on the label.

Natural herbal supplements will provide you with a simple and natural alternative to colon irrigation. It takes some research and experimentation to see what works best for you, but they can all be conveniently integrated into your diet. As you embark on a colon cleansing regimen, you should feel a noticeable improvement in your overall health and well-being, as you begin to flush poisonous toxic waste from your body.

Disclaimer: This article is offered for information only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any type of health problem. It is important to consult a professional healthcare provider if you have any questions.

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