Healthy Weight Loss Plans: 5 Simple Practical Tips

Ayurveda is a branch or Upa Veda of the Rig Veda. It is an ancient system of medical science constituted by the Rishis of old in the Indian subcontinent. As always, prevention is better than cure, the aim is to prevent disease and promote health. Unlike other modern medicines, it emphasizes the importance of finding out the root cause of the physical symptoms of disease caused by the imbalance of Pancha bhuta Tattva and tri dosha in the human body. Thus Ayurveda creates a balance in the soul, mind and body through simple guidelines that follow the natural rhythms of nature.

Nowadays obesity has become a very big health problem for people all over the world. Some of the causes are unruly eating habits, lack of sound sleep, problems with regular bowel movements, etc. It is highly recommended to prefer a natural way that can naturally and gently guide you towards holistic and healthy weight loss. The use of chemical products, processed foods or extreme diets to lose weight can bring undesirable health problems and alarming side effects. Therefore, it is essential to make some changes in our lifestyle to achieve healthy weight loss.



Drinking a glass of warm water cleanses the digestive channels and removes oily substances and thus stimulates the intestines. This stimulates and refreshes your entire digestive system making it perfect and ready for the digestion process. Bowel movements twice [at least once] one day [morning and evening] it is a good sign of a healthy digestive system. Drink a cup of bottle gourd juice twice a week on an empty stomach, which definitely controls body fat.


Adopt an exercise method to track daily. Exercise at least 20 to 30 minutes a day in the morning. Yoga for health is highly recommended as it not only makes your body healthy but also relaxes your mind. Follow a routine for daily exercise. It is recommended to learn yoga from a guru. Surya Namaskar, a simple yoga exercise is a good option.


Eating 3 satisfying meals a day without consuming junk food in between is very important. Although much more important is, only eat when you feel hungry otherwise take some fresh juice, pure water, young coconut or any other natural liquid food. Feeling hungry is the strong signal given by the digestive system of our human body for food intake. Prefer organic foods as much as possible. Avoid fatty foods that are high in fat. Add spices like ginger, garlic, and cumin seeds to your food preparation, aiding in easy digestion. Add more fresh vegetables and leafy greens to your daily food menu. Avoid overeating. Eat a moderate breakfast, a strong lunch, and a very light dinner. Never drink water while eating unless absolutely necessary, as it can affect the digestion process. Always drink lukewarm water.


Meditation is one of the best methods to calm your inner being and focus on whatever work you do. As a healthy mind is the foundation for a healthy body and vice versa. If you already know a meditation method, follow it regularly.


Ayurveda points out that one of the most important reasons at the base of all diseases is staying up late at night, thus not providing enough rest and relaxation to our mind and body. A deep sleep is like a layman’s meditation that reinstates and refreshes all the positive energy back into our mind and body. Therefore, it is very important that you go to bed at least between 9 and 9:30 pm and wake up before dawn, that is, before 6:00 am Never sleep during the day or more than 6 hours a day .

These 5 easy steps, if followed correctly and regularly, can produce amazing results. The process would be smooth and steady without harming your body, unlike other instant methods that offer quick results.


Generally, Ayurveda provides some general guidelines for good health and vigour. Some of them to mention are:

Ayurvedic medicines like Triphala can help a lot with healthy weight loss, food digestion, and indigestion problems. For best results use Triphala Churna. Triphala churna is made up of a mix of herbal dried fruits Haritaki, Bibhitaki and Amalaki. The use of Triphala improves digestion, removes excess fat from the body, corrects constipation, cleanses the intestine and digestive system, purifies the blood, improves eyesight, reduces oxidative stress in the body, strengthens the respiratory tract and lungs.

Dosage: Soak two full teaspoons of Triphala in 2 cups of water at night. So that all the components are extracted into the water the next day in the morning. Boil the mixture to make it one cup and allow it to cool until lukewarm and drink on an empty stomach.

oil massage/ bath 2 days a week we proceeded with a bath of lukewarm water. Ayurveda recommends oil baths on Wednesdays and Saturdays only. It is recommended to use medicinal oil or usually sesame oil.

Clean your nostrils using Nasya oil at least once a month. It is recommended to contact an Ayurvedic doctor.

practice kabalaphati. Kabalaphati is a yogic breathing technique that is used to clean the internal organs of our body using prana or also called life force. Particularly cleanses the blood circulatory system and removes impurities in the blood. It also cleanses the lungs giving way to good healthy breath thus getting maximum Vayu prana or oxygen for our healthy life. It is highly recommended to study this technique from a guru.

Has digestive cleansing and a natural deworming should be carried out once every 6 months.

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