Exercise and your senior care solution plan

But aren’t older people supposed to sit in rocking chairs all day, torturing the young with tales of how they walked 4 miles through a blizzard just to get to school?

Not in shorts. Numerous studies have shown that exercise reduces the risk of dying from certain cancers, heart disease, and stroke. It also reduces symptoms of depression, as well as mild cognitive impairment. What’s more, regular exercise builds functional flexibility and strength, the qualities that enable Dad to do the everyday things that make independent living possible, from reaching a tall cabinet to shoveling a hallway. That’s why his plan for caring for aging parents must include safe and effective exercise.

Take one step at a time.

Maybe the last time Dad exercised was the last time he mowed the lawn, 15 years ago. When he is caring for an elderly parent, it is essential that he or she get regular exercise. The first step is to make sure your loved one is healthy enough to exercise by talking with your doctor. Your doctor may order an electrocardiogram (EKG) to find out if your body can handle the exercise.

Once dad gets the all clear from the doctor, remind your dad to go slow. Dad doesn’t need to kickbox or swim the English Channel to reap the benefits of a workout. For most seniors, taking a walk around the block is a good start toward a healthy elder care solution.

Teach an old dog new tricks.

A study conducted by the University of California San Diego School of Medicine found that older people who played Nintendo Wii exercise games for 35 minutes a day, three days a week had a reduced risk of depression. Exercise video games are proving so effective in improving fitness that nursing facilities and rehabilitation centers across the country are adding them to their senior care solutions programs.

Because video game systems can be played at home, they can be an ideal solution for caring for the elderly who stay inside the home. If you are caring for elderly parents at home, consider investing in one of these.

If video games don’t appeal to your older parents, encourage them to start a new exercise program. For example, the ancient Chinese martial art Tai Chi has been shown to relieve pain and increase range of motion for older people.

Tai Chi classes and workshops or any other exercise can also foster another important part of good living: social interaction. In fact, research has shown that building strong social connections can add a few years to your lifespan, making it an ideal senior care solution. As you care for an aging parent, encourage them to reap the stronger body and more social networking that comes with group workouts.

Get in the game.

Don’t just sit there on your ass while your mom walks around the block. Taking care of yourself while caring for your elderly parents is important to keeping your mind and body healthy. You’ll benefit from the stress-relieving qualities of exercise and build a healthier body in the process. Choose an activity that you enjoy, such as taking a walk or practicing yoga. Remember, when you’re healthy, you’ll be a better caregiver and a bigger part of your parents’ elderly care solution.

Taking care of aging parents’ plans can be challenging, from scheduling doctor appointments to giving medication reminders. Make sure exercise doesn’t go unnoticed – it’s an important part of the family solution to elderly care.

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