Ex boyfriend does not call you back or does not answer your phone calls? Here’s why and how to fix it

If your ex-boyfriend is no longer calling you back or answering your phone calls, it can be extremely frustrating. You still love him and want to get back together, but how is that going to happen if he doesn’t talk to you anymore? Here’s why he won’t talk to you and the first step you need to take if you want to get him back for good.

A breakup can be hard to deal with, and if you want to get your ex boyfriend back, it can be even harder to let things flow. You still want to talk to him every day, and even if you’re just friends, it’s better than losing him completely. So you call or text him all the time. And at first, he texted you. Or at least he sometimes answered when you called. But now, he won’t call you back. And he no longer answers the phone. And other than the occasional one-word reply, he doesn’t text you anymore, either. So how the hell are you supposed to get him back if he doesn’t talk to you anymore?

The problem is that you have become that girl. You know, the one she’s talking about with her friends. She now she is trying to avoid you. The two of you are separated and now you’ve become the ex-girlfriend who won’t leave him alone. And at first I might have felt sorry for you. But now, she just wants you to stop calling him. So he’s going to show you that he’s not your boyfriend anymore and he doesn’t have to talk back to you. That’s how things are when there’s a power struggle.

If your ex boyfriend is no longer answering your calls, it doesn’t mean he hates you or doesn’t want to get back together. It just means that you now activated the control problem on him. He’s going to show you that he’s in control. And he’s going to do it by not answering you anymore.

How do you reverse the post-breakup power struggle? How to make your ex boyfriend want to talk to you again? You start by leaving him completely alone. No more calls, texts, Facebook messages and don’t talk to his friends. Just leave it alone. It’s called the no contact rule and it puts you back on a level playing field. It gives you control back. It shows him that you don’t have to talk to him every day to be happy.

What happens when you use the no contact rule? It may take a few days, but eventually your ex will see that you are not talking to him. And he looks, even though he thought he wanted to get away from you, a part of him liked the attention. So it’s going to drive him crazy that he doesn’t get it anymore. He’s going to want to know why. And eventually curiosity is going to get the better of him. And then guess what happens? He will call you or he will text you!

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