Cocker Spaniel Teething – How To Help Your Puppy During Teething

Your Cocker Spaniel is teething and is on a chewing rampage. It doesn’t matter what it is, furniture, shoes, books, fingers, lamp cords, socks, remote controls; anything within reach works for the pup. How can you stop this behavior?

Truth be told, the cocker spaniel doesn’t know any better and is just looking to remedy a problem in his own way. The problem is discomfort during teething. In this article we are going to cover a variety of solutions to stop pain and chewing by channeling the puppy’s behavior in a positive direction with pain relief solutions. What not to do is just as important as knowing what to do.

First, we need to understand that chewing with the Cocker Spaniel while teething is not bad behavior, but rather a means for your pup to deal with the discomfort. Teething is a natural process for all puppies. For starters, when your dog feels the need to chew, it’s best to provide items to help. Rubber toys, frozen towels, and chew rings are a good quick fix. However, we will cover more solutions in more detail in just a minute. Let’s get an idea of ​​the cocker spaniel teething cycle to know what we are dealing with here.

The teething cycle

1) Between 2 and 6 weeks, milk, also known as deciduous teeth, will begin to surface. These are the small, needle-sharp teeth that your pup will first expose through his gums; there are normally about 28 primary teeth.

2) Deciduous teeth can last between 4 months and a year. During this time, the permanent teeth will gradually emerge, replacing the temporary teeth, becoming the permanent teeth of the dog. Normally 42 permanent teeth by the time I’m done. The pup may experience some minor discomfort for up to a year after the permanent teeth have been exposed.

3) Most Cocker Spaniels will experience the most discomfort between 2 and 7 months during the teething process.

4) You can expect permanent incisors 2-5 months (used for nibbling), fangs 2-5 months (used for grasping), premolars 4-6 months (used for tearing), canine teeth and molars between 5 and 7 months (used for grinding).

5) Malnourished puppies dentition more slowly, large breeds dentition sooner than smaller breeds. Of course, race, gender and date of birth influence the teething process. But, in general, the cycle is quite closed for everyone.

What makes the puppy chew?

During the teething period, the dog’s gums itch and are very sensitive. The Cocker will try to alleviate the discomfort by chewing on anything he can catch in his mouth. This has a calming effect and relieves the pressure applied to the gums.

Teething Solutions – Helping Your Cocker Spaniel Through The Process

Here are some effective solutions. It is best to use several during the teething process to prevent your pup from becoming bored.

1) Ice Cubes: Rub the ice cubes on the puppy’s gums. The cold will help numb the area. Your dog may like to lick them and try to chew on them too.

2) Popsicles: Give the dog a fruity popsicle as an occasional treat. Remove the stick.

3) Cold Towels – Take some old towels, soak them in water, and place them in the freezer long enough to cool. The dog will enjoy chewing them and it will help reduce gum inflammation.

4) Cold rope: Soak a rope and partially freeze it. You’ll want the rope big enough so the dog won’t swallow it.

5) Cold Hard Chew Toys: These are also good for soothing gums. Place the chew toys in the freezer to cool before giving them to the pup.

6) Marrow Bones – Boil in chicken or beef broth for fifteen minutes. The dog will love these.

7) Aloe Vera – Freeze to a slush consistency then rub on gums. When rubbing the gums, stand behind the dog and reach forward to support the dog’s chin and then rub the Aloe Vera on the gums. A good upper and lower gum massage also helps.

8) PetAlive Pup Teeth Granules – Very effective in relieving acute symptoms, pain and inflamed gums. It will also reduce the need to chew.

What not to do while teething the Cocker Spaniel

1) Don’t play aggressive games with your dog like tug of war. It’s best not to engage in any activities that your pup might associate with aggression and dominance.

2) Do not allow your Cocker to chew on old shoes or unwanted household items. The dog doesn’t know the difference and will assume that it must be okay to chew on the same type of items that he can find.

3) Do not yell or yell at your dog if it destroys or chews non-prohibited items. It is best to catch them in the action and redirect their attention to one of the remedies listed above. In this way, you will be able to work to break the unwanted behavior.

4) Don’t let the dog bite you. It might look cute at first, but this behavior will only lead to a bigger problem down the road.

5) Do not allow a teething puppy to play with young children without supervision.

Simple solutions will help control chewing. You can expect the entire teething process to take 7-10 months. Making sure your pup is getting the correct nutrients and excises will help promote the process. With proper care and supervision, you can control and help your Cocker Spaniel outgrow teething with ease.

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