Area rugs are the perfect accent for hardwood floors!

Hardwood floors have made an incredible comeback and are the number one choice in flooring today. Hardwood floors are stylish and easy to clean, but they lack the personal touch and character, so there has been a new demand for rugs. Area rugs are the perfect accent for hardwood floors!

By adding an area rug, you can liven up dull-looking floors, add some color and character to a room, and add a warm touch for your feet on those cold winter days. You will be able to match the area rugs to your home decor without any problem. In fact, you will have so many options that choosing can be a bit difficult.

There is a perfect area rug for each room. I guarantee it! You’ll find thousands of color variations, from wild and bold to soft and romantic. You can choose between Persian rugs, Oriental rugs, reed rugs, rag rugs, and many others.

If you just want to protect your hardwood floor or cover up a stain, you can buy very inexpensive rugs. In fact, area rugs are one of the most affordable ways to change the look of any room. Renew your room for less than $100.00. Your boring surroundings will come to life just by adding an area rug.

Choose a rug that reflects your personality and the ambiance of the room. Use an area rug to create a warm and intimate room, or use it to lower the noise level in a room. So versatile! And a simple or elegant rug will accent hardwood floors in any room. If you get tired of the look, you can easily change the carpet, unlike wall-to-wall carpeting, which is very expensive to change.

You’ll want to match the primary colors of the rug and have it complement the colors of your furniture and walls. Be sure to take into account the lighting in the room. If the room is dark and dull, you’ll want to increase the lighting or purchase a rug that has lighter tones in the colors to help brighten the area. Make sure that at least the two primary colors match the room or furniture.

Look at the room as a whole. Decide where and what is the focal point you are trying to achieve. If the area rug is going to be the focal point of the room, consider a large centerpiece medallion on the rug. These work great! Make sure the patterns on the rugs don’t clash with the patterns on your furniture or the patterns on your walls. You want the rug to interact with the room and not be loud and brash.

When selecting your area rug, take a sample of the wallpaper or color sample of the wall paint and a sample of the furniture covering material with you. If no samples are available, take several photos in different light conditions. This will help you get an idea of ​​what color combinations will work as you shop for the perfect rug.

If you have a sample of the hardwood floor, take a piece with you. Since the rug will be sitting on the hardwood floor, it’s a great way to see what the effect is. Make sure it has some of the rug’s warm or cool elements to accentuate the hardwood floor depending on the look you’re going for.

The style of the rug will play an important role in the final appearance of the room. Look at the room and the type of decoration you have. Rooms with antiques will call for an oriental rug, but be careful as they may be too busy for the room. You’ll find that braided rugs work well for a modern-looking traditional room.

Make sure the area rug achieves the look you’re trying to achieve. If you’re having trouble making up your mind, ask the seller. They have a lot of experience in helping customers choose the right rug. You can also check and see if there is a return policy that way you can return it if it doesn’t work.

Area rugs are an inexpensive way to give a room a facelift and look wonderful with a hardwood floor. So why not give your room a new look?

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