Are you eating your way to health or in an early grave?


In the US, nearly 16 million people have diabetes. More than 50 million adults have arthritis diagnosed by a doctor. More than 600,000 people die each year from heart disease. Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are on the rise, and digestive disorders are common.

According to the National Institutes of Health: “More than 35% of American adults are obese and more than 34% are overweight.”

Do I have your attention now?


Diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, dementia, and digestive disorders are out of control in the United States. People are suffering in silence and scared. They don’t know where to turn or what to do.

The problem


People are making their way to a premature grave with food laced with additives, preservatives, chemicals, sweeteners, and fats.

The solution


As a positive thinker, Norman Vincent Peale wisely expressed: “Every problem has the seed of its own solution.” So if food is the problem, it is also the solution.

The good news is that once you know how certain foods within your body respond (which are beneficial and cause conflict); can eat straight back to health. No matter what your current health or energy level is, it is rarely too late to change it.

That ‘s what I did. In my 20s, 30s and 40s I struggled with my health. It dwindled so alarmingly over that 20-year period that I knew I was eating my way into a premature grave. I had to change my health. I did it by eating my way to health.

Now, in my mid-50s, I am in the best health of my life!

If I can do it: you can do it.

Eating your way of life

There are three key nutrients and vitamins that are essential for optimal health: protein, B vitamins, and vegetables. This is why:

1. Protein.

Studies show that eating a high-protein diet has some specific health benefits. Not only does it help you maintain and lose weight, it also works to stabilize your blood sugar levels, improve cognition, reduce “brain fog”; increase your energy levels and support your muscles and bones. Organs, tissues, muscles, and hormones are made of protein.

There are so many proteins to choose from!

Here are some great protein sources: oatmeal, grains, quinoa, nuts, dairy, tofu, eggs, fish, beans, and meat. You can also get your protein by drinking a protein powder shake.

The key to protein is to eat it every 2-3 hours.

2. Vitamins B.

We all need B vitamins. However, most people fall short on these essential nutrients. This not only slows down your metabolism, making it difficult to lose weight, but it also causes energy drops. B vitamins help your body make energy from the food you eat. They also form red blood cells.

There are eight B vitamins:

To. B1 (thiamine)

B. B2 (riboflavin)

vs. B3 (niacin)

D. B5 (pantothenic acid)

me. B6 (pyridoxine)

F. B7 (biotin)

gram. B9 (folate)

h. B12 (cobalamin)

These foods are high in B vitamins: brown rice, 100% whole wheat bread and pasta, non-GMO organic soybeans and other soy products, bananas, potatoes, and Shiitake mushrooms.

3. Greens.

The importance of eating vegetables cannot be overlooked. Imagine foods so powerful that they can help you lose weight, lower your risk of cancer, make you look younger, strengthen your bones, and help you live longer. Pretty nifty, huh!

Superwoman status is achieved with vegetables because most vegetables contain a mix of vitamins A, C, K, B9, iron, and potassium. In addition, most contain protein and B vitamins.

Here are some delicious ways to get your veggies:

To. Eat a salad a day.

B. Add broccoli, zucchini, and steamed cabbage to any meal.

vs. Artichokes dinner.

D. Eat raw celery and green bell peppers for snacks.

me. Mix the kale and spinach in a green powder smoothie.

When you start eating to be healthy, making the decision about what foods to eat is overwhelming. This is why it helps to work with a nutritionist or health coach to design an eating plan designed specifically for you.

With so many people in the US suffering from diabetes, dealing with digestive disorders, struggling with weight issues, and suffering from early serious heart disease, don’t you owe it to yourself to prevent this from happening? I did. And I know you can do it too by eating your way to health. Start eating for health – the quality of your life depends on it.

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