Archangel Metatron explains that the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is a story written in the Bible from fear

My wife Jill is an Avatara; a person chosen by the Divine to deliver messages for the betterment of humanity. Here she is, channeling a message from the Voice of God in a trance: – Archangel Metatron.

Although the Archangels that we are most aware of are specific to our planet, Archangel Metatron is the only direct connection to the Creator and administers the Archangels and the Angelic Kingdom for all universes. Metatron wanted us to know that the truth was written in the Bible, and this is what I wrote.

Metatron: Greetings, it is wonderful that we have the opportunity to commune again; and I know there are many questions you have. To enable you to move forward, it may be wiser for us to address some of these issues that you feel need further clarification. Perhaps we should first address Glenn’s concerns or the search for the truth about Joshua (Jesus Christ).

Joshua was killed in Judea. Due to his channeling ability, there was a lot of jealousy on the part of the religious leaders, so he decided for the sake of maintaining law and order; a drink served with snake venom would be a quick and efficient way to eliminate Joshua.

His physical body was left in a cave unmarked. Perhaps it would help you more if you could understand that at this time, someone who possessed sacred texts of God’s words had extreme powers. They used these words as weapons. Others feared that if what they claimed was true, they would bring upon themselves the wrath of God. That is why you will find so many so-called Gospels and Holy Texts.

Anyone and everyone who could write would write to make sure they and their families were protected. Fear is a very powerful commodity if you are the one who can instill fear in others. Remember, if you tell a lie long enough, people will believe it to be true.

Many of you are searching to find what life is all about, but very few of you have really taken the time to live life, discover who you are, and take time to experience everything around you without assumptions or habitual beliefs. The word reality doesn’t really mean anything. Only when you can free yourself from your opinions and look around you with new eyes will you be able to connect with your world, God; light; the only conscious energy.

We are so sorry for Glenn’s pain and surround him with love and light when his son decided not to stay with Glenn; and we know how much Glenn struggles with our comments when he finds out they’ve changed direction. However, it is just as important that it is just as frustrating for us, when a human being decides to disconnect from divine direction and uses his ego, mind and wounded self to guide them differently. Now we have to work to try to bring that human being back onto his spiritual path.

Glenn’s son is allowing his fears and false beliefs to overthrow his true connection to higher source. It is within the very nature of humanity to blame others, spirits or God, when expectations are not met. However, it is not ‘we’ who have disconnected from you, but you who have disconnected from us.

Observing human beings is similar to observing a game of snakes and ladders. Many times you all aspire and try to overcome challenges, but then when some of you encounter challenges, a good percentage of you will back off and have to go through it all again. Others will stay grounded and determinedly focused, and push through the obstacles that lie ahead. You will find that many people will assume that from our teachings, in fact, we are asking them to totally discard the Bible, religious practices; but remember that there is duality in everything. There are good and bad parts to your traditional religions.

What we are asking you to do is throw away the bad, the negative points that tell you that everyone is a sinner and destined for hell, and take up the symbolic teachings of loving one another and working for peace and harmony. For some humans, religious rituals help them feel peaceful, protected, and safe. Its religious festivities that ensure everyone comes together, similarly to other traditional nostalgic events, again bring a reminder to humanity to think of others.

You can still continue to honor these spiritual times as they are things that will help you evolve and further your spiritual growth. What we ask you to discard are teachings that cause religious, color or sexual discrimination. Teachings that ensure that you have little confidence in yourself, and that you must pay for your sins and be directed by someone who claims to have authority over who will and who will not enter heaven.

We are asking you to become aware of your spirituality; the extremely unique person you are and the ability you have to help those around you. Because when you help others, you also help yourself. We ask everyone to keep an open mind and use their real life experiences to help them understand their connection to others, the universe, God; the light and the conscious mind.

You are not English. You are not American. You are not Arab. You are not Russian. You are not Chinese. You are all human beings who share this planet. When you can understand this, then you will discover the meaning of life. Remember that you are not separate; you are all one. You don’t need to understand life to enjoy it. Human beings often tell stories to help others make sense of what they wish to convey. It does not necessarily mean that they are telling the truth. So by being aware of this, you will find it easier to combine ideas, share your awareness and spiritual insights to find some form of agreement.

Many human beings are so inspired by their own stories that they eventually become the absolute truth, so we’ll leave you with this thought to ponder. Be careful with concepts (Something formed in the mind by combining all the parts and features to conceive something), as concepts have the ability to disconnect you from the Divine. The next time you open your mouth to speak, are you speaking from concepts and theories obtained from others, or from your own spiritual awareness and experiences? Because when you speak from concepts, the end result will always be a battle of opinions.

Light and love. metatron

When you’ve read this, consider how many times you know of someone lying, to cover their backs and protect themselves from the consequences. How much lying is put into the written word, in letters and emails, for fear that people will find out the truth? How many lies do politicians do for their own benefit? How many lies do governments and the Armed Forces do to cover up the truth and protect themselves from the public’s anger? So how many lies did fearful people write in Bible times, to protect themselves and their families?

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