Anthrax: Symptoms, Risk Factors, Treatments, and Preventive Measures for Skin Abscesses

Carbuncles are painful skin abscesses that are larger than boils. While a boil may have only one opening in the skin through which pus is released, a carbuncle may have numerous openings through which pus drains. You can think of a carbuncle as a collection of various boils.

The infection is usually caused by staph, although other types of bacteria, viruses, or parasites can cause the infection. Staph infections are highly contagious, something that is important for family members to remember. It is possible to pass the infection on to another member of your family.

What increases your risk of anthrax?

An existing health problem like diabetes will make you more susceptible to all kinds of infections, because your immune system is weaker. Other than that, any excessive friction on the skin’s surface can damage the skin enough to allow bacteria to enter the pores and cause the painful infection. Shaving and friction from clothing are examples of things to consider.

What reduces your risk?

Using a good shaving lubricant and a natural antibacterial cleanser can reduce the risk. Antibacterial cleansers that contain triclosan can actually help make bacteria stronger and more resistant to antibiotic treatment and cause even more serious infections.

A good natural antibacterial agent is Active Manuka Honey. Men who shave their faces should use a facial fluid that contains witch hazel as an aftershave, rather than the more popular alcohol-based aftershaves. Alcohol can contribute to irritation and inflammation. Witch hazel is a soothing astringent.

How to treat existing carbuncles

The anthrax must be drained before it can heal. The drainage usually starts on its own within two weeks. You should see your doctor if:

• Condition has not improved after two weeks

• The abscess is located on the spine or in the middle of the face

• You have a fever

To promote healing and drainage, you should apply a warm, damp washcloth to the area several times a day. Do not squeeze or try to cut it open. You could cause the infection to spread.

Wash the area gently with lukewarm water at least once a day. Pat the area dry and apply a good body lotion. I recommend an active body lotion to promote healing and reduce the risk of recurrent carbuncles.

Why Natural Active Body Lotion Works

A Good Body Lotion contains high concentrations of natural ingredients with proven medicinal activity.

The ingredients and their benefits include:

• Vitamin B5: helps repair skin tissue

• Active Manuka Honey: Helps cure infection due to its antibacterial activity.

• Functional Keratin: reduces inflammation, redness, pain and swelling

• What are the benefits of continued use?

If you continue to use Active Body Lotion on a daily basis, you will be less likely to get anthrax, due to the activity of manuka honey and functional keratin.

Your skin will be softer, smoother and healthier. You will see how old scars and stretch marks fade. Your skin will look younger, possibly younger than it has been in years.

• Additional recommendations

Since carbuncles are contagious, clothing and bedding should be washed with bleach to help kill the staph bacteria. Surfaces should be washed regularly with bleach, alcohol, or an effusion of essential oils. Staph can live on surfaces for several weeks.

To strengthen your immune system, you should take a good multi-nutritional supplement and an omega-3 fish oil supplement daily. I recommend Total Balance supplements, because they contain more than the basic vitamins and minerals. They contain a wide variety of natural anti-inflammatories and immune system enhancers.

• What to do now

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