7 tips to make money from a successful super affiliate

We’ve all had to start somewhere to make money online. I started from the bottom but now I’ve made it, read my money making tips for a healthy income online.

Being new to making money online is not fun. It’s a lot of effort for people to try to figure out what works and what doesn’t. A lot of effort can be spent reading about products and marketing methods. I was there and did it and now I want to share my experience with those who are just starting out. Here are my money-making tips that will put you on the path to creating a full-time income online:

1) Don’t waste time trying all the different products to make money. Do your homework, read reviews, pick a product, then stick with it. It will take commitment, patience, and persistence to make money online. It’s more of a marathon than a sprint.

2) Apply to your business. Treating it like a hobby will give you the rewards of a hobby, something that will give you something to do in your free time. If you treat it like a business, it will give you the rewards of a business: income. Spend quality time planning how you will promote your products and sell them. If you learn anything from these tips for making money, it’s this: apply yourself as you would in any business in which you want to be successful.

3) Drive traffic to your site from the free marketing methods available. These include article marketing, Squidoo pages, video marketing, and social networking sites. They will cost you in time, but not in cash. Once you get 400 visitors per day, you can expect to receive daily subscriptions and purchases of your products. Don’t expect instant gratification, it takes time to build a strong foundation of content and backlinks.

4) Optimize your site with keywords. This is more important than learning html to make significant changes to your site. You can then modify your site as you go and learn over time. By learning about the use of keywords and how to use them effectively, you will improve your search engine result rankings and more people will find your site.

5) Continually create new content for your site in the form of blogs and articles. Google will visit your website more often and your search engine results will improve.

6) Implement Google Analytics on your site. Not only is it free, but you can also learn where your traffic is coming from. Once you see the difference your article marketing and blog writing is making to your traffic numbers, you’ll be encouraged to keep up the effort you’re putting into your business.

7) One of the best money making tips I have ever received was to use high quality internet marketing training material and work through it. I now make sure that all of my products provide high-quality internet marketing training so that my prospects can use effective methods quickly. It can be a huge waste of time to rush through training, without fully understanding everything. Be sure to do the training at your own pace to understand each piece and you’ll start earning faster.

So there you have it, my seven tips for making money. Follow these and you’ll be on your way to creating a full time income from the internet.

Copyright (c) 2011 Andrew Holtom

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