5 tips to create a stress-free zone

Stress is a fact of life. We are all born with an instinctive stress response to deal with emergencies or threats. We developed these stress responses once to help excite our bodies to the point where we could outrun predators and outrun competitors. When a potentially dangerous situation arises, stress hormones are released into our bloodstream.

However, nowadays stress is chronic and continuous and we now live at such a pace that we activate these stress hormones all the time. The load that this constant state of arousal can place on our bodies and brains is incredibly damaging and exhausting. That’s why it’s important now that we take proactive steps to counter that stress.

One way we can combat chronic stress is by creating an escape for ourselves, a ‘stress-free zone’, whether it’s a room in our house, a happy place somewhere outdoors, or a place we mentally go to.

1. Keep it EXCLUSIVE.

First and foremost, the space you create to be your stress-free zone is actually stress-free. Close the problems. Create a space that blocks out things that might stress you out and where you can really get away from things. No voices, no phones, no text messages, no computers, no watch or other device that can keep you away. Anything that sounds or beeps to alert you to messages should be closed. This may mean that you need to learn to say “no”, or at least “not now”.

2. Keep it PERSONAL

Take a mental vacation with images of things that make you smile and feel good. Loved ones, the beach, a mountain view; it’s your vacation, so it can be whatever resonates with you. Maybe you just need to completely clear your mind of any thoughts. It may help to add things that can heighten your senses, such as:

  • The power of nature. Plants add beauty to a room, but it doesn’t stop there. A tabletop fountain or zen garden can be a calming addition.

  • The power of smell. Smells affect our mood and can help us focus, hence the power of aromatherapy. For example, citrus aromas such as lemon and orange can help eliminate anxiety and increase concentration. Lavender, cedarwood, and rosemary help reduce stress.
  • The power of light. If you choose to de-stress in the morning to start over, open the curtains. Natural light influences circadian rhythms, the “master clock.” If you want to relax and slow things down, choose subdued lighting in an amber hue that you get from candlelight or a fireplace. At bedtime, you may want to wear a sleep mask to completely block out light.
  • The power of sound. Music has been used as a healing force for centuries and has been shown to affect parts of the brain. Download recordings of nature sounds, like dripping water or ocean waves, and play them as background music to relax.
  • The power of breath. Breathe more consciously. Take a full breath: inhale deeply into your belly, then allow every last drop of air to be released on the exhale. This simple action blocks the stress response and signals your body to relax, making you less likely to get tired and better able to think clearly. Take 5 minutes twice a day

3. Keep it CLEAN

A cluttered space stresses people out and it’s hard to relax when you’re surrounded by clutter and things that need to be put away. The best way to keep it clean is to simply cut things down in your space. If you have a lot of clutter to deal with, set aside 15 minutes a day to organize your space. Sort things according to what you can donate to Goodwill, throw them away or pack them for safe storage.

4. Keep it SIMPLE

Who has time to relax today? Unless you keep your stress-free time simple and short, you probably won’t be able to fit it into your busy schedule.

  • Laughter. Find what you like and make you happy. Laughter has been shown to lead to reductions in stress hormones such as cortisol and epinephrine. When laughing, the brain also releases endorphins that can relieve some physical pain. Laughter also increases the number of antibody-producing cells and improves the efficiency of T cells, leading to a stronger immune system.
  • Music. Music is one of the easiest ways to distress. Relaxation music or your favorite playlist can have a profound and immediate influence on your mood and mindset.
  • Time to play, walk or exercise. Regular exercise is one of the best ways to manage stress. The best part is that it doesn’t have to be strenuous. Walking is a great way to start. Stretching can also relieve muscle tension. Even everyday activities, like cleaning the house or gardening, can reduce stress.
  • Photos. From time to time, looking at the photo albums of loved ones can bring back great memories that make us happy. Photos can also be of things or places. Some researchers believe that humans have a fundamental genetic need to affiliate with nature and other life forms. They call this “biophilia.” Just looking at photographs of serene natural scenes has some stimulating effects, replenishing our cognitive senses, according to studies.
  • Convenience. Loosen your clothes, take off your shoes, and get comfortable. Surround yourself with comfort and softness, including your seats and the things you touch.

5. Keep it REGULAR

Daily commitment is crucial. You don’t need to be online 24/7, so make sure you set aside at least 15 minutes a day to relax. With a little practice and dedication you will make everyone wonder why you are so happy.

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