2 Penis Enlargement Exercises That Can Increase Your Penis Size

You don’t have to waste your money on ineffective penis enlargement techniques that claim to increase your penis size but only take your money. You should stick with natural techniques that have been proven to work for others so that you can reduce the time spent on ineffective techniques. I was once someone who spent a lot of money on penis enlargement pills, pumps and surgeries and it wasn’t until I discovered penis enlargement exercises that the real gains started to show.

I recommend penis enlargement exercises for any man who wants to increase the size of his penis. They are safe and natural to use, and they are also cheap. The thing about penis enlargement exercises is that you can see the results quickly. You don’t have to wait months to see results, you can start seeing results in a matter of days. It’s true, and this article will show you some penis enlargement exercises that you can use to improve your love life.

If I had known when I first started what I know now, I would have saved a lot of money and time on the other solutions I was trying. You see, when I first started, I tried pills as a way to improve the size of my penis, but I soon found out that it wasn’t the pills that increased my size, it was the penis enlargement exercises that I had to do in tandem. with taking the pills that actually made the gains happen.

Now I mentioned earlier that I was going to show you some exercises that you can use to make your penis bigger. Here they are below.

1) The penis stretches

This would seem obvious to increase the size of your penis, but most men simply have the wrong form and technique when doing it. After you get out of the shower, sit down and grasp the head of your penis in your hand and stretch it out as comfortably as you can. Hold this here for 30 seconds and do it ten times. Do this exercise every other day, making sure to rest for 30 seconds between sets. Always do this exercise when you are soft or flaccid. Here is another exercise.

2) Jelqs

Pronounced “jelks”, this exercise forms the cornerstone of penis enlargement exercises. You will want to perform this exercise after doing the stretches above. Grasp the base of your penis with your thumb and forefinger, and slide it up while paying close attention to the fact that the blood is being pushed up as you do so. Once you’ve reached the head of his penis, switch hands and repeat the process. This will increase the size of your penis faster than ever before.

Take these 2 penis enlargement exercises and use them to increase your penis size now.

Good luck using these exercises to enlarge your penis today.

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