10 School Causes for Denial of Special Education FAPE for Children with Disabilities!

Do you have a child with autism or other disabilities who is currently not receiving a free appropriate public education (FAPE), despite your continued advocacy? Would you like to learn about some school causes to help you advocate for it? This article will discuss 10 school reasons why few children in special education actually receive a free appropriate public education, which is required by federal special education law.

1. Many schools require parents to pay for independent educational evaluations (IEEs) to show that their child needs special education and related services. If parents are paying for experts to help determine the services needed for their child, the education is not free.

2. Most school district assessments are not comprehensive enough to identify all of a child’s disabilities. Disabilities must be known before appropriate services can be determined.

3. The continued use of denial and/or delay tactics by many special education staff prevents children from receiving an appropriate education.

4. Special education staff sometimes refuse to take responsibility for a child’s lack of educational progress. Blaming the parents and the child is a common tactic that harms children.

5. The use of old, outdated and unscientific research in the curricula used to teach children. IDEA 2004 and No Child Left Behind do not allow this, but lack of compliance is causing schools to continue this practice.

6. Minimum remediation given for children’s disabilities, in academic and functional areas. As children get older, many schools want to use disability modifications, rather than offer remediation.

7. Predetermination by many special education personnel of the services that will be offered to children. This practice harms children by not taking into account their individual disabilities as required by IDEA 2004.

8. The low expectations of most school personnel prevent children from learning the academics they need for their adult lives.

9. The lack of teacher training in curricula based on scientific research is hurting children and preventing them from receiving FAPE.

10. Failure of many school districts to deal with negative behavior in a research-based manner, but continue to use suspensions and expulsions. Functional behavior assessments, the development and use of positive behavior plans have been shown in research to work to increase a child’s positive school behavior while decreasing their negative school behavior.

What might this change for children with disabilities? If school districts would work with parents to determine a child’s disabilities and educational needs and offer remediation based on scientific research, more children would receive an appropriate education. Also, educate school staff on research-based ways to deal with negative behavior and teach reduction techniques to help children. Expectations must be high for all children with disabilities so that they are prepared for post-school learning, work, and independent living.

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