Top 7 Vehicle Hacking Items Every Jeep Owner Should Have

Vehicle hacks are important because they can save you trouble in various scenarios. Jeep owners love to go out of their way on their travels. If you’re an avid driver and love taking long road trips, you need to have a few tricks up your sleeve and prepare for the worst case scenario.

Here are the top 7 vehicle hacking items that will keep you out of trouble.

Snow slopes

Needless to say, if you plan to drive your Jeep in a snowy area, you need to make sure you have the necessary equipment ready for you and your Jeep. Snow Tracks are compact, convenient chain devices that you can attach to your Jeep’s wheels to help them get enough traction in the snow.

Jeep cooler

If you plan to take a long trip with friends / family, you should bring some food with you. A Jeep refrigerator is a compact electronic device that draws its power from the power source in your Jeep’s cigarette lighter. This small refrigerator will help you preserve food and drinks for long periods of time.

Grip strips

Grab Bars are great devices to help you organize your things in the Jeep cabin. We have all been through the pain of losing our cell phone between seats during a long journey. If you are such a clumsy person who desperately wants to keep the interior of your Jeep clean, you should try these grip strips. The strips act like double-sided tape and stick to your board. Now you can use the open surface of the strip to put your phone or other essentials in a remarkable position.

Basic tool kit and user manual

Most Jeep owners carry a small tool kit that can help them tighten a few screws or bolts. However, without the proper instructions, you can actually make the condition of your Jeep worse. It is always advisable to place your Jeep’s owner’s manual in a clear plastic bag with the tool kit so that it is easily accessible in case your Jeep breaks down.

Window coverings / blinds

Window covers are nifty gadgets that you can use in case you are going to be driving all day. These covers adhere to the sides of your Jeep’s windows and offer sun protection to passengers. Now your co-pilot / passengers can easily enjoy a sunless environment to rest for a while.

Inflatable jeep jack

An inflatable Jeep jack is a device that replaces the work associated with using a conventional mechanical Jeep jack. This Jeep jack gets its power from the vehicle to lift it up so you can easily change the flat tire.

Rain covers

If you have an open-top Jeep Wrangler, it’s always a good idea to bring a set of extra rain covers to protect your essentials. These rain covers will help protect your Jeep’s expensive speakers and navigation system on a rainy day.

Follow one or more of these vehicle hacks to ensure you get on your next long trip without any glitches.

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