The secret to organizing your space

Is there really a secret to getting clear? Is there hope for the batteries that lie in every corner of my home? Can I dare to dream that one day I will open my closet and the contents will not fall on my head? I believe there IS a secret to organization and order and I am willing to share it with you, eager to share it with you, because it can change the look of your home, the atmosphere of your space, and the stress level in your life.

I propose that it all boils down to one main concept: whatever you have needs a place. Now don’t be disappointed. While it may sound overly simple, there’s a lot of impact to that little statement. What were you looking for, an algebraic formula? What you need is a simplified idea that you can apply to all aspects of cleaning, organizing and decluttering your home or space (could be an office or an apartment). The simpler, the better. It’s like a mantra that you chant as you wander through your hallways, rooms, and closets. Start applying it little by little and you will see miracles right under your nose. The sweetest reward is that the smaller piles you clean, the more motivated you’ll be to keep cleaning. This one little sentence will drastically change the way you feel about your home, energize you for countless other projects, lower your stress level, and turn your home from a tornado to an oasis.

Just waking up and looking at the batteries in our homes starts a stressful day. Create feelings of unfinished business, never-ending projects, and mile-long to-do lists. This is depressing, discouraging, and downright discouraging. I think you have all the tools you need to put an end to these stressors in your home.

Pick one room at a time, one stack at a time. She starts out slow and I promise she’ll gain momentum, probably sooner than she thinks. As you attack your first stack, remember the motto: whatever you have, it needs a place. Designate ONE stack as your goal for that day (or night) and focus on completing that task. Don’t make your goal too high. You will be encouraged when you achieve what you propose.

Never underestimate the power of an empty place. You will be absolutely amazed at how energizing it is to step back and gaze at the now EMPTY spot in your room that you just cleared out. By simply emptying ONE spot, you’ll be motivated to clean about ten more. But be careful, keep your goals achievable.

Invite a friend over for tea and advice. What you need is a second set of eyes and a keen mind other than your own. You need a trusted friend to spend an hour or two with you, over a cup of coffee, and help you decide what to move, what to keep, what to give away, what to sell, and what to do with what’s left. The power of another’s suggestion is very strong. It keeps you focused, keeps you motivated, and keeps you on task. A friend can also offer arbitrary advice that is invaluable in getting rid of our “stuff.”

Embrace the heart of the matter. Alright, get ready to dig in with both feet. It will handle everything from large furniture to small pieces of paper. And sometimes the smallest item can be of the greatest value! Understand that your piles may have a pile of nothing that can be thrown away, or that you may dig up something of buried importance. Either way, your determination and complete focus (inspired by visions of vast amounts of space) are vitally important.

Complete a small task that makes a big difference. This concept has saved my sanity time and time again. Here are my two main examples. One, if your bed is made, your room looks clean. There may be piles of clothes here or there, but if your bed is made, your room will look clean and tidy. There is a sense of order and structure in the room. Two, if your kitchen counters are clean, your kitchen feels clean. There may be dishes in the sink, coats hanging on bar chairs, and last night’s dinner stew still on the stove. But if your counters are clear, there is a feeling of space, order and cleanliness. My kitchen countertops are my home cleaning nightmare, because they pick up EVERYTHING. It is my constant battle to keep them clean. But when I do, I immediately feel less stressed and able to handle other tasks or projects. Find the spot in your room that makes the most difference and keep it clean!

Okay, let’s be practical. This is what it really looks like. I have a stack of papers on my desk that is a thorn in my side. So I set aside an hour to dedicate to this menacing pile. Here is my plan of attack:

1. Go through each piece of paper and separate it into piles: things to put away and file, junk, papers that I need to respond to by phone or mail, papers or coupons that go directly into my bag, and miscellaneous. Now I have 5 smaller piles, and it’s only been 10 minutes! Well!

2. Throw out the trash, up to 4 piles!

3. File the papers for which I already have a file, and make a new file for the rest. (This assumes, of course, that you have a file system and office supplies for additional files.)

4. Put the papers that go in my bag IN my bag (see how easy that was?)

5. Place the remaining battery in my workstation/desk area.

Ok, I still have the last stack left on my desk. But the whole task only took me 20 minutes and I booked 60! I have time to have a cup of coffee, read a magazine, and STILL respond to some or all of those silly documents. Everything is now in place! And you should see my desk! It’s lovely!!! I’m ready for the next stack…

Here are some other handy tips on how to create “points” for everything else. In your bedroom, you need bins, boxes, and baskets for your closet and under your bed. You have to create a place for things like clothes that no longer fit you, clothes that need to be ironed, hats, shoes, sundries, “stuff” on your nightstand, etc. If you have a designated place for whatever you find in this room, all it takes is for you to put it there. The key is to create a place: a bin under the bed, a shelf in the closet, a coat rack in the corner, an extra chest of drawers or a lingerie chest if necessary.

In your kitchen, get a recipe box; put your bread baskets in a corner of a cupboard; clear the top of the refrigerator; Invest in Tupperware! In your bathroom, pick up cute baskets at WalMart or Target for your hair supplies; hang your hair dryer on a wall hook; buy a small bookcase with a door for additional storage. In your garage, there is only one answer: BINS & SHELVES! This is a small investment, but it’s worth walking into your garage and seeing all your stuff labeled and binned. Are you capturing the image? Whatever you have needs a place!

To avoid clutter, you should also have space between your furniture. Don’t line it up like ducks in a row. Have a piece or two and then some space. This also goes for the kitchen counter and backsplash. The day I learned this amazing concept was the day the space came to life on my kitchen counters. You don’t have to fill every corner, wall or counter! Get rid of unnecessary furniture, appliances, and knick-knacks. You’ll be amazed at how uncluttered your home will feel. Space is directly related to stress levels. The more space you have, the less stress you will have. Don’t get me wrong, a house should feel like home and have warm touches and a personal style. Just find the balance between a museum and a zoo!

Does all this seem too simple? The best ideas are the simple ones. If it were too complicated, we would not feel capable of completing it. You CAN organize and declutter your home, as long as you take one small bite at a time. For additional ideas on how to control your home, see []. This is my personal website, and it is a resource for women who want to have a home that is a haven of rest, not a source of stress. Have fun clearing and de-stressing!

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