Meeting women is easy once you understand how!

Years and years ago, the Famous Latina Model Daisy Fuentes was interviewed and asked about her love life.

And the boy asked him, do men approach you and ask you out? Because Daisy is famous and also a very confident lady. And she was like, “No, men are too afraid to approach me and ask me out, so I don’t date much, believe it or not.” She then she said, “What’s wrong with men?” “Why don’t men ask women out more often?”

“Are men afraid of women?” And then she laughed. Then she said, “Men, bring balls, ask women out, that shows you have confidence.”

Daisy also went on to say that she can’t understand why the stronger sex is afraid to approach women half their size and strength. Well guys, there is a real answer that goes back to your DNA and socialization. But for this article, we are not going to go into that. I clearly break this down in my course, how a guy can be in the Army Airborne, jump out of planes and fight in the war risking his life in every way, and still get that same guy to approach a girl half the age. his size, 5’2″, 110lbs, no way! Hahahaha… funny but true. I’ve talked to many martial artists, professional wrestlers and a professional soccer player who was a client of mine and they all felt the same way. They were terrified of approaching women before taking my course, and to be honest, I am my own best client.

I was a world class fighter at one point in my life, played soccer, competed and won in boxing, kickboxing and wrestling, studied martial arts since I was 4 years old, won multiple state and national championships and titles. Even being ranked #1 in the US in Kickboxing! And I was terrified to go near women. It was when I walked up to a girl who was 4’11” and tried to talk to her. She intimidated me so much that I walked away, feeling completely embarrassed and my face was red. It was at this point that I was like, what the hell is going on here? I am #1 in the US as a kick-boxer and I am in perfect shape, strong and much bigger than her by almost a foot.

It was at this point that I decided to do something about it. After years and years, over 12 years of studying Hypnosis, NLP, Timeline Therapy, Psychology, Communications, Body Language and over 41 certifications and much more, I finally came up with an extremely easy and very effective answer to this dilemma. . And guess what? Works!

Yes, meeting women can now be extremely easy once you know how to do it!

See, what I discovered was that men approach, communicate, and try to pick up, attract, and meet women in what is called, the external, linear, masculine form. And this drives women crazy, scares and irritates them.

It turns out that women are so different, that the way men approach women, talk to women, even try to romance women, actually irritates or scares women and leaves them lost and confused. as to why men do these weird, weird, weird things.

Look, basically, this is what’s happening. #1 Men and women literally speak 2 completely different languages, but it is misleading, because in this country and in others we all speak a common language and we all think we are hearing the same thing. Turns out, that couldn’t be more than the truth. See, women process relationship communication in their right brain. The right brain is the inner language, creative, spiritual and emotionally satisfying. But men communicate and process language in the logical, external, male brain. When she says A. you literally hear B. Because your brain processes the communication/words from her through a different brain and you literally hear something different than what she is saying. The good news is that there is an answer to this.

#2, We both fall in love and receive love differently, so differently, that when you buy her flowers and things and express your love in a masculine way, it actually hurts her feelings and rips her heart out. Then the war begins. She thinks you’re either A. Being lazy, or B. Don’t care. Then she starts attacking you, hurting you and setting you up! Hey, in her mind, you started it. But you did not. You were literally expressing your love in an outwardly masculine way that her brain can’t relate to or understand. So she’s standing there confused, lost and hurt when she buys her roses, flowers and more. For example, has she ever paid for dinner, drinks, movies or a club, etc. and after the word, she said, “Oh, thank you, you’re kind.” And she gives you a kiss on the cheek or she shakes your hand and goes home or she says to you, does my head hurt? ha ha ha

Look, she was expecting something from you, but you have no idea what this is. And so never, never, never, never do this. Instead, you keep spending tons and tons and tons of money, getting nowhere! Because that’s not what she wants. If she learns what it’s all about, she’ll save you a ton of money and get a lot more honey in the bedroom if she knows what I mean. Yes guys, there is a secret that mother nature has kept from you.

And when you learn what this Secret is, she will give you all the love you want. And you won’t have to spend a dime! And yes, I teach this Powerful Secret in my course.

#3 Women get turned on, seduced and aroused in a completely different way than you! If you do it the masculine way, she will be very upset. If you learn to do this, the feminine way, bamm! You are inside!

Now, let’s get back to Daisy and get your balls back! Because, that’s what my whole course is about. You’re becoming a man, take charge, man!

Most women in their mid-40s will tell you that men are much more emotionally sensitive than women. But, younger girls think that they are more sensitive than men. They are not, it is not true.

See, what’s happening is that boys, by the time they’re 18, have been so shocked, hurt, and bewitched by women that they mercilessly shame them in public when men try to approach or talk to them, that when a boy is 18 , his emotional nervous system has linked massive pain and fear to approaching girls.

Now, I have asked women, if they want to be approached by men, why are they so mean and hurtful when a man approaches them and tries to ask them out etc.? I mean, look at you, you’re well dressed, high heels, push-up bra with a revealing shirt or undone top with red lipstick and more. And then she will say: “Well, I don’t want him to come near me!”. And then I was like, “How do you know he’s not your type?” “It’s not like there’s a sign over your head that tells him if he’s your type or not!” Guys, I have invariably heard this from hundreds and hundreds of women over the years. And then they’re like, “Oh, I never thought of that!”

So basically what happens is when a guy finally works up the courage to ask a girl out, she rips out his heart and publicly shames and humiliates him! And all the therapy in the world won’t help you at all. How can I know? Because I’ve been through tons of therapy of all kinds and it never worked. But, what does work is understanding the female way of approaching and talking to women. And all of a sudden, your mind and nervous system see things in a whole different light because women suddenly relax, open up, and want to talk to you. Then your emotional system is completely rewired to this new way of approaching, meeting and talking to women in a very calm, relaxed and positive way that gives you what you really want!

And suddenly you go to the races and it becomes very, very fun!

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