IT Support: Using the Hotfix to Fix Windows 7 Crash Error 0x0000007e

If you are using a Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 computer that is intermittently crashing, there may be several reasons behind it. One of the reasons may be the error 0x0000007E. This error causes sudden and intermittent crash of Windows 7. This article will give you a better understanding of the error and also suggest the IT support tips to fix the error.

understand the mistake

If your Windows crashes due to this error, you will get the following stop message on your computer screen:

“stop 0x0000007E (parameter 1, parameter 2, parameter 3, parameter 4)


Here, the parameters described in this stop error message are a variable factor that varies depending on your computer configuration.

Cause of error

The error occurs due to a race condition that is triggered when the lease spinlock is released and the NULL lease handle is accessed. It is a challenge for an average computer user to understand the cause of error 0x0000007E. Running the troubleshooting process is even more difficult. An average computer user will not be able to fix the error because troubleshooting requires a special tool. Therefore, it is recommended that you turn to professional online computer repair services to fix this Windows 7 error.

How does online technical support resolve the error?

Professional online support engineers typically use a Microsoft tool called Hotfix to resolve this error. A hotfix is ​​a specialized tool to correct the problem that is described in this article. The hotfix may resolve the error, only if it was triggered by the cause mentioned in this article. Readers should be aware that there can be various causes for this error, but the hotfix is ​​only effective against the cause mentioned above.

An online technical support engineer will first analyze whether or not the cause of the error can be corrected through the hotfix. If so, she will download the app on her system. Please note that during the troubleshooting process, additional issues may arise. In that scenario, the IT support engineer might also require the download of other applications or tools.


Before starting to use the hotfix, the computer support engineer will also analyze whether your computer meets the requirements or not. Hotfix is ​​compatible with your computer, only if it is run on:

•Windows 7

• Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1)

• Windows Server 2008 R2

• Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1

The application does not require you to make any changes to the registry. Therefore, the support engineer simply needs to run the patch after downloading it. Remember that the patch will install too many files on your system, so do not misinterpret these installed files as malicious files. The tool will fix the error. After that, the support engineer will reboot the computer to apply the changes.


The real challenge with hotfix is ​​its availability. It is available via service request. Then, once the tool is applied to Windows, there are a lot of other things to take care of. These things are not easy for an average computer user to understand. Therefore, it is always recommended that if your Windows 7 crashes and shows error 0x0000007E, then it is good to call an online tech support company.

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