Get prizes for raffle fundraisers

Raffles are one of the most popular and profitable ways to raise money for a non-profit organization. However, it wouldn’t be a raffle if you had nothing to give away!

So what kind of prizes should you have? First of all, put yourself in the shoes of your potential follower. What if someone approaches you and tells you that she is selling raffle tickets? What prize would you like to win?

Here are some prizes that catch the attention of many people:

Cars: Sports cars, luxury cars, SUVs in this year’s model. Another great alternative is a fully restored classic/collection car. You may or may not be able to get this donated. If not, consider other types of prizes, as your profit will be higher if all items are donated.

Travel – Always a winner. Round-trip airfare, a package, a cruise, hotel stays, and even airline miles are great rewards. Most people love to travel, and the biggest hurdle is often the cost. Now, if they win this raffle, they’ll have to take a vacation and go.

Larger trips, like week-long cruises or airfare and hotel packages, can attract more ticket buyers. However, travel doesn’t have to be exotic to be a big win. Even a weekend getaway just a short drive away could be a big prize. As long as it’s a place where people in your area want to go on vacation. An overnight stay at a local hotel is usually not that appealing.

Electronic equipment: large screen televisions, DVDs and stereos. These are great incentives, especially for the guys.

Gift Certificates: For stores like Home Depot, Best Buy, and local or chain restaurants. These make great side prizes.

These are just some examples. As mentioned above, it’s important to offer a prize that your potential sellers will highly value. A barbecue, a handmade quilt, a gourmet dinner, these can all be great prizes for the right audience.

Well well. So I know what you’re thinking. How do I get these prizes?

The absolute best way is to survey members of your organization. Each member could have something of value to contribute to the prize pool. And if not, they may know someone who can. However, go for your biggest prize first. You need to secure that “hook” to have a viable raffle.

One of the fundraising raffles I organized raised over $1000, with only 5 ticket sellers! In case you’re wondering, our prize was a big screen TV. The company I was working for at the time had a point system incentive program. I pooled my points with some of my co-workers to get the grand prize.

I also sent an email asking my friends and the other ticket sellers for donations. I quickly got several more donations, including some nice watches. I finally went to restaurants in the area and got several gift certificates for third prizes.

It’s usually easy to get rewards from restaurants and some retailers, like hair salons and video stores. Write a letter of request on your organization’s letterhead. Visit businesses in your area in the evening when they are not so busy. Give them a copy of your letter and ask if they could donate a gift certificate or other prize. Be sure to start canvassing your city about a month before the deadline, as some managers need to get approved or may have a limited number of prizes per month that they can distribute.

With a little creativity and perseverance, you can win great prizes for your raffle!

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